Research before you judge

(The following opinion is mine. However, the research is another story as it is well documented and factual. Read at your own risk. Keep in mind that the editor loans me this space to use but he doesn’t always agree with what I say. It’s called free speech and we should all give it a go sometime.)

Research before

you judge

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one woman to separate from the “norm” and become a dissenting voice, the result is this column.

This week you are more or less stuck with me because I had no takers in terms of the NFBOW (Nameless-Faceless-Business-Owner-of-Week) jazz. For those who have no clue, I’ve been loaning out this space to “Mom & Pop” stores who are being affected by the DRACONIAN REACTION to the “THANG,” which is my pet name for the “CV.” (Keep in mind, I’m saying it’s the REACTION that is the problem.)

Never in the course of human events have healthy people been “ordered” to close their businesses and/or to stay at home. Back in the olden days, oh, say, 6 months ago, the sick would be quarantined but the healthy would carry on as usual. (It’s not really a quarantine but is more like a “house arrest.” They even call it a lock-down! Hold me.)

This whole deal of being told to wear a “costume” in public is ridiculous as well. Does any OWNED talking bobble head on the “news” mention the human support system that is an innate part of our bodies? Do they impart to you how it can be adversely affected by this mask-wearing scenario? Has any “expert” said that it can be dangerous to breathe in your own exhales on a continuous basis? Do you think that other “yucky” toxic particles might become meshed with the material, possibly resulting in other health related issues?

Not to mention, but I must, it can be psychologically disturbing to witness society at large, and small, prancing about in these coverings. I guess that component would be heavily involved when it comes to a physiological operation, now that I ponder. While I have you, if I still do, these “items” do NOT prevent “cooties,” by the by. If airborne “enemies” do exist, they are so tiny that they would not be prevented from visiting a person in costume, let’s say. I’ve witnessed the elderly and other individuals with clear health concerns, wearing these things as they try to maneuver about. Some are not steady on their feet, to say the least. This is AWFUL and cruel on EVERY level. Don’t get me started on those prevented from being with loved ones when they pass away! We must ask if the so-called solutions are worse than the alleged THANG. (Yes, I said “alleged.”)

Here are more questions for your consideration: Does anyone wonder why a vaccine is our only “hope” to get out of this situation? Could money be a motivating factor in ALL of this male bovine excrement? Have some people followed the money in terms of “Microsoft Man,” only to find that he heavily funds the CDC and the WHO, to name only two—and yes, I made a rhyme. He also donates madly to the BBC across the pond, which could be a reason why he is NEVER challenged by any presenter who “interviews” him. How odd. We don’t question billionaires, especially ones who claim to be philanthropic. Give me a break! (On a side note, all agencies, and private corporations posing as government agencies, are corrupt to the bone; PERIOD, end of story.)

Have people looked into certain “foundations” that have INJURED people in India and Africa (to name two) with the above-mentioned jabs? (I like how the across the pond people say “jabs” so I’m using it instead of saying vaccines.) Does anyone really think that this “forced physical separation” is based on good science? (I refuse to say the SD words.) If the government told you to march to the town square and “do the hokey pokey and turn yourselves about,” in order to prevent “catching” the THANG, would you do it? I think a lot of people WOULD do it, to be frank.

Do politicians lie? Does the media lie? Has “Big Pharma” permeated every ounce of our lives? Why would people believe PROVEN liars? Do weapons of mass destruction ring a bell?

QUESTION EVERYTHING, ladies and gents, including, but not limited to, germ theory itself! Rather than continue on here with my own worn-out words, I’m going to plunk down an excerpt from a book that I own. I will give full credit at the end and will also provide you with some links for additional reading or viewing. Take the time to really research what is happening here, PLEASE!

OK, I’m stepping down from the box O’ soap now and shall provide you with the above-mentioned information. I have capitalized some of the words from said book for emphasis. I have also underlined some things as well. I used these [ ] to show what they had been talking about in the paragraph prior. I did not “fiddle fart” with sentence structure or grammar; that’s all on the original author. In other words, some of the emphasis below is mine.

“In research on all of these six distinct public health concerns, [AIDS, Hepatitis C, BSE – Mad Cow Disease – SARS, Avian flu and current vaccination practices for human papillomavirus or HPV vaccination], scientific research on viruses (or prions in the case of BSE), slipped onto the wrong track following basically the same systematic pathway. This pathway always includes several key steps: inventing the risk of a disastrous epidemic, incriminating an elusive pathogen, IGNORING ALTERNATIVE toxic causes, manipulating epidemiology with non-verifiable numbers to maximize the false perception of an imminent catastrophe, and promising salvation with vaccines. This guarantees LARGE FINANCIAL returns. But how is it possible to achieve all of this? Simply by relying on the most powerful activator of human decision making process, i.e. FEAR!

“We are not witnessing viral epidemics; we are witnessing epidemics of FEAR. And both the MEDIA and the PHARMACEUTICAL industry carry most of the responsibility for amplifying fears, fears that happen, incidentally, to always ignite fantastically profitable business. Research hypotheses covering these areas of virus research are practically never scientifically verified with appropriate controls. Instead, they are established by “consensus.” This is then rapidly reshaped into a DOGMA, efficiently perpetuated in a quasi-religious manner by the media, including ensuring that research funding is restricted to projects supporting the dogma, excluding research into alternative hypotheses. An important tool to keep dissenting voices out of the debate is censorship at various levels ranging from the popular media to scientific publications.”

OK that whole area above in the quotation marks was taken from the forward of a book called Virus Mania. Here is the information that was located at the end of that particular forward segment. Hey, I’m no technical writer, so forgive me. I do have to give credit when it’s due, even if it’s not necessarily worthy of “term paper” status.

Here it is: Etienne de Harven, MD Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto and Member of the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York (1956 - 1981) Member of Thabo Mbeki’s AIDS Advisory Panel of South Africa President of Rethinking AIDS (

I’m going to provide you with a link to a website that is offering the book from which I quoted, as a free PDF download.

Before I drop some other links, for those who haven’t yet read my piece that was published in this delightful paper on April 6, please do so and soon! You can find it on the website: Click on Lisa’s Rants and Raves and look for something that has “Think for yourselves,” in the title.


(“Where did the Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler, STOP VOTING and refrain from supporting a corrupt and hideous criminal enterprise called government, by Lisa Houserman – that isn’t really a book, it’s just a recommendation.

Don’t loan your good name to these criminals by pulling any lever or pressing any computer screens. Also the votes literally do NOT count. There is plenty of information out there to prove, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that elections are (s)elections and nothing more.

This is nothing new. Don’t let them fool you anymore. Let them know that you are on to their sick games by refusing to take part. This is the longest parenthesis ending in history.)

Here is additional information:

Website for total info including PDF:

Dr. Kaufman

Link to website that has PDF of Virus Mania available

P.S. I sent that top investigation link out to every governmental “authority” that came to mind. I heard back from exactly ONE of them, (unless a secretary of a borough council counts as one). That person was Parke Wentling, who TELEPHONED me. Hey, I gotta give the guy credit, even though I support NO ONE politically speaking and am officially registered as a “Political Atheist” at the court house now. I don’t “BE LIE VE” in politics or this system any longer.