Portions of a milestone in print

I recently reached a milestone on my YouTube “game show” as I celebrated my 100th live gig. I celebrated by compiling 100 questions from over the course of the show. I also had special guest “stars,” giveaways and took phone calls. Mother was one of the telephone callers and The Child, aka Spencer, was a “celebrity” guest star.

I usually keep the live shows to about an hour but decided to go for broke that time. It ended up going for around 2:40. I don’t understand how anyone can go live for that long of a period and won’t be doing it again any time soon. Thank goodness for The Child as he took over for me on numerous occasions so that I could stretch my legs, apply ice to my back, adjust my back-brace, use the facilities, etc.

Actually, I only made it until January 2019 in terms of the live situation because the battery on my phone decided to run out. We handled the “emergency” like pros, of course. I shall hold over those other questions for my year-end review.

Moving along, this week I’m going to supply you with some of the questions that were asked during said gig. There is a strong possibility that some of the questions have been in columns gone by but hopefully you have forgotten about it.

There will be a combination of the different games we play put below for your pleasure or pain. There will be general trivia and other samples of games as well. Here we go.

One: This airport was used by the CIA as a drop point in large scale cocaine trafficking when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

Two: Performing rituals before a giant owl is just one activity that unfolds in this “neck of the woods.”

Three: What did W start and O promise to finish, yet it still exists and just 90 miles off the US coast to boot.

Four: (This is from a game called “Fun with Quotes” in which you name the person who said this.) “Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the senior prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you’ve got any guts. Some of you like pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read. Forget I mentioned it. This song has no message. Rise for the flag salute.”

Five: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

Six: Keeping in mind that I only use literally in a literal manner, please answer this: This blonde singer and talk show host was pleasantly surprised when Bert Reynolds came out of the closet on her show.

Seven: (This is from a game called “WMB,” which means “What’s my Bag,” in which I give one clue at a time from difficult or obscure to easy. Try to put a paper or your finger over the other questions and see if you can guess each time. Each question is one sentence.) I was the pride of the USA during a time when the citizens needed a hero. I won all three and broke records doing so. They called me Big Red. Ronnie was usually the one to urge me across the finish line. I won the third of three by such strides that it broke all records. When they performed my autopsy they found that my heart was over two times the size of others of my kind.

Eight: I spent time in my youth in Alabama with distant cousins. I was openly gay before it was in style. Johnny Carson interviewed me many a time. Harper Lee was a very close friend. My holiday short stories are filled with vivid imagery, I’ve been told. Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Other Voices Other Rooms and In Cold Blood were oft’ called my best.

Nine: What is the only NFL team to have a totally undefeated season including winning the Super Bowl?

Ten: What academy award winning actress and songstress laid atop a piano weekly claiming to be a vamp?

Eleven: What classic novel with a theme of duality, revolution and resurrection, contains language in the very opening paragraph that could lead one to surmise that the author was experiencing highs and lows simultaneously?

Twelve: (These are from a game called “Share, Care & Nostril Flare,” in which there are no right answers. They are more or less thought questions or ways to get to know others.) Name one thing in your everyday life that brings you joy.

Thirteen: In a dream you are given proof that a more advanced society seeded the earth millions of years ago thereby crushing the creationist story and Darwinian evolution. Do you tell others even if it means being called a kook?

Fourteen: I was born in July of 1995. Many people objected to the way I was “created” as they said it just wasn’t natural. I lived to be 7.

Fifteen: At the 1944 Democratic Convention, this VP had major support. Had “shenanigans” not unfolded to install Harry Truman, it’s quite possible that the bombs would not have been dropped. Who is this man?

Sixteen: What happened to the USS Indianapolis after it delivered the first atomic bomb, or parts thereof, to the Isle of Tinian?

Seventeen: This Roman emperor is recognized for merging pagan customs with Christianity.

Eighteen: This wild and crazy winter festival shaped the modern day Christmas celebration. Some festivities included gift giving, feasting and singing naked in the streets. The holiday is in honor of Saturn. What is it?

Nineteen: According to main stream historians, this ancient culture was the first to celebrate New Year’s 4,000 years ago. This area currently encompasses a country that the US of A invaded illegally. I know it’s a large choice but perhaps hanging gardens would help you along?

Twenty: In the song Auld Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg, what did his old lover’s husband do for a living?


One, Mena/Mena Arkansas Airport.

Two, Bohemian Grove. Three, Guantanamo/Gitmo.

Four, Frank Zappa. Five, George Orwell.

Six, Dinah Shore. Seven, Secretariat.

Eight, Truman Capote.

Nine, Miami Dolphins, more info: The 1972 Miami Dolphins were the first team to execute a perfect regular season in the post-merger NFL. They are the only team in NFL history to go undefeated and untied in the regular season and postseason.

Ten, Cher. Eleven, A Tale of Two Cities.

Twelve, I will give you my answer for this and number thirteen. This one would be my cats and/or Mother.

Thirteen, Yes. Fourteen, Dolly the Sheep. Fifteen, Henry Wallace.

Sixteen, Sunk by Japanese torpedoes. Seventeen, Constantine. Eighteen, Saturnalia.

Nineteen, Babylon or Babylonians. Twenty, Architect More info: “She said she married her an architect Who kept her warm and safe and dry She would have liked to say she loved the man But she didn’t like to lie.”

That’s it for the week. Thanks for playing!

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, “War is a Racket “ by General Smedley Butler, “The General’s Son,” by Miko Peled)