Stop clicking and get moving

A Rerun because ...

This week I’m going to have to reach into the vault for something with which to fill this space. This particular piece probably hasn’t gathered too many cobwebs yet as it’s from last year’s first paper in November. With the siblings visiting and The Child returning from his travels I haven’t had time to conjure a thought, let alone compose a column, so that’s why I’m forced to do this reprint from last year. Thanks for your understanding. Enjoy!

I have noticed a growing problem in our society and I'm here to tell you about it until you fling yourself from the nearest overpass. How was that for an opening?

As many of you realize, I sell the advertising for this publication which is the reason why we can come at you wildly, or casually, on a weekly basis. Newspapers depend on the business owners to keep them alive. Advertisers are the backbone of any media outlet and especially so with the small town weekly “diary,” which is what I consider this paper to be.

In my capacity as the “front of the house person,” (my poor boss) I oft' get into deep conversations with clients over the telephone and/or in “real life.”

A troubling trend seems to be in play which has already threatened the small business owner for some time now but appears to be more damaging than ever, as of late. In fact, it has led many to simply shut their doors entirely.

I was going through my advertising list from 2013 and was stunned (I maybe even clutched pearls) over the number of people who simply couldn't stay afloat.

“Mom and Pop” have had to compete with the “big box stores” for some time now, which I've discussed in columns gone by.

What I'm hearing about these days more than ever, is how Mom and Pop are having a difficult time competing with the internet and its offerings, so to speak.

I've had people tell me that customers will receive full-service at their establishment in terms of going over the details of a particular item, etc., and will then announce that they will check the internet to compare prices!

I find that to be absolutely socially unacceptable to the max—even to the point of utilizing an exclamation point, once again. (This is becoming a habit with me now. Maybe it's because I'm getting more worked up than usual on a weekly basis? I'm not sure why but I used to avoid these: !! like the plague but am now embracing them. I think this is a digression so we are good to go.)

At the very least, can you please have the courtesy to NOT tell Mom or Pop of your evil plot. This is super wild but in this day and age we have forgotten how to actually interact with others due TO the internet. (I shall save that for an upcoming column.)

Take off your detective caps because I'm not just talking about one establishment here, I'm talking about a variety of them. In other words, this is happening in most any business that comes to mind, with the exception of restaurants. I'm not singling out anyone here. I just felt that something needed to be said about this and I'm just the person TO say it! (There is another one.)

This isn't only an issue of not keeping people in business either; it has to do with acting like we are shut-ins who cannot exit our abodes. Things have been made too easy to obtain these days to the point that we are ALL going to have weight issues if we keep this up.

Another factor that plays into this as well is the laziness of society today, due to the ease with which we can make a purchase. Oh isn't it wonderful? It almost puts me in the mind of a Norman Rockwell portrait.

I know it can be convenient to order something online and I certainly have done my share of it in years gone by. There are certainly items that cannot be found here in the immediate area, no question. However, I feel we should at least attempt to be patrons of the area establishments as much as humanly possible.

This is getting frightening and not just because of the paper needing the advertising money either. I mean our sense of community is diminishing due to the ability to simply do a bit of clicking and POOF—something arrives on the front porch in a few days or even in HOURS in some cases. Have no fear, the Internet Genie is on the scene and is ready for action.

Ma and Pa (sick of saying Mom and Pop), are fighting an uphill battle these days in so many ways. Is it possible to give them a bit of a hand? Can we maybe pitch in and work together to keep our communities alive? Is this asking too much? How many more questions can I ask in one paragraph? Sorry I got off track.

I know that some are unable to get out and about and others don't have any extra money and are pretty much forced to visit the big box stores due to reasons of a financial nature. However, I think we could all attempt to throw a buck or two (maybe 3) at the area businesses. If we don't avoid the urge to click our way into debt, we will not have any other choice BUT to use the internet and visit the corporate stores as all of the quaint shops will fade from the landscape entirely.

Think of how convenient it is to have a local grocery store or a hardware facility or a furniture establishment with PERSONALIZED service for your shopping pleasures, or pains—some loathe shopping is my point. We get used to these just being there but one day they won't.

We must work together and rid ourselves of our lust for immediate gratification via online shopping and delivery services. We CAN do this! I'm going to use these throughout the rest of this piece! Come on ladies and gentlemen—stop clicking and get moving!

I think I've done all the damage I can this week. Please consider what I've said, at the very least. I don't have a cute or fancy ending but really, that's nothing new.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC lobby, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler)

PS - I forgot to say that there are local businesses that are online ONLY and of course, I speak NOT of those in this column. Clearly, I speak of the “YUGE” corporate conglomerates that have taken over our lives and NOT the little online local joints.

I thought I should be crystal clear so I decided to do this PS. It's kind of fun to do a PS. OK, I'm done saying, “PS.”