Samaritans, MASH, Mother, etc

I’m having some difficulty in conjuring a column for the week so I’m going to pound out whatever floats to the forefront of my mind. In other words, I doubt that this piece will be confined to one particular topic but really, that is nothing too terribly new.

This is my first column since Mother reached the milestone of turning 93 on November 12. We will be taking her to Greenville, of course, but cannot do so until our schedules are synchronized.

For those who are new or forgetful, Mother lives for eating in Greenville at the place that used to be the country club but is now called Gallery Grille. Any excuse to go to Greenville will be or has already been used. We haven’t been there in some time now and she is delighted with the prospect of returning.

Staying on the topic of Mother, she got called back into work and started on her birthday. She has worked at Stitch Art Custom Embroidery for years now but had a long stretch of being on somewhat of a leave of absence, up until this week. Needless to say, but I will so I can fill up this space, she is thrilled to be back in the thread removal business.

On her actual birthday night after she returned from work and was fed a charming take-out meal, she was treated to a delicious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting that was assembled at Zatsick’s in Conneaut Lake. I don’t even like carrot cake but it was super good. I recommend Zatsick’s for all of your party needs. (Hey, I might as well tip a hat to these local businesses as I write this column as it is our advertising campaign of the week.)

If I were to focus this column on what has been running through my cluttered mind, it would be filled to the margins with all things M*A*S*H. You did not read that wrong as I did indeed mean the TV show M*A*S*H. (I’m just going to call it “Mash” hence forth without the asterisks.)

I decided to travel back in time and view these shows in order. I did watch it when it was actually still being produced but came nowhere near to seeing all episodes. I, along with half of the country at the time, watched the very last episode of the series and remember vividly where I was.

I guess there are things in life that are seared into our minds in terms of where we were when they unfolded. Some recall their location when Pearl Harbor took place and others can impart the details of their whereabouts when JFK was killed. On the other hand, millions of people can tell you where they were and with whom they viewed the very last episode of this award-winning series.

What I dig about the show is the strong anti-war vibe that is given throughout its run. Not only did it focus on the horrors of actual battlefield “results,” but it got into some other topics that we might not associate with wars.

There are many examples but one would be how the offspring of Korean mothers and American fathers were frowned upon, for lack of a more gruesome description, by both countries in question. That is just one of the many non-combat issues associated with invasions of other countries, in my view anyway.

Moving to another topic; for those who are not exchanging gifts this holiday season because you have concluded that you have everything you need, please give some consideration to reaching out to the Samaritans and aiding them in bringing joy to some families.

I wrote about our local “chapter” recently but didn’t include the holiday information as I wasn’t really clear on it. I’m still not an expert on the situation but I do know that brand new toys and clothing (probably other things as well) can be taken to the Samaritans in Conneaut Lake at the edge of the Catholic Church parking lot, so that they can be distributed to LOCAL children in need.

They also have a program where one may “adopt” a child of a specific age and sex. What I mean by this is that one can shop strictly for said child by using a list that has been provided by a parent or a guardian of said child.

Probably the best course of action is to telephone the Samaritans on a Monday or a Thursday for some details. Hold on and I will fetch the number for you. I’m back and here you go: 814-382-4487.

Even though many people, myself included, are carrying some financial debt around with us like an albatross about the neck, many humans are worse off than we. I think we can try to bring some joy to those who have very little, is my point.

I don’t mean to give you a lecture here but it sounds like I am. I promise, I’m not. Keep in mind that I was raised by my parents who have several claims to fame including giving terrific lectures! In other words, I come by this naturally even when I’m not trying.

I guess I will close with news of The Child, aka Spencer. He and Katie, his gal, have been back in the state—and I don’t mean of confusion—for a few weeks now. After getting released from bondage in Alaska where they worked for another season at a resort, they drove home.

Instead of heading directly to PA without passing go or collecting $200, they toured most all of the western states and Canadian provinces. I think they visited most every state west of the Mississippi along the way.

We are all happy that they took the time to really see the country and parts of Canada to boot. In my view, that is a great way to really get an education instead of “book learning.”

Their next stop is back to Key Largo to work another season at a resort but we have them until after Thanksgiving. Spencer is always entertaining, to say the least, and I enjoy having him around for comic relief, if nothing else.

I think I’m done for the week. I didn’t want to plunk down another game from my YouTube channel, which I rarely mention, so I decided to go this route.

It seemed to work as I’ve managed to fill this space quite nicely, I think. (For those who have no sarcasm meter, first off, they are on sale this month so please go get one. Second off, the part about my not mentioning my YouTube show was an example of sarcasm.)

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler)