Can we stop this nonsense now?

For what seems like decades, a certain person with a weekly column has been pointing out that this whole “Russia Gate” saga was bogus. For saying such a thing I've oft' been called a Russian Bot, a Trump supporter and a denier of reality in general. (Once again I find that I must say that I do not support ANY political party or so-called side. I do not support Trump. I do think that all presidents are puppets but not of Russia. OK? I'm done with this digression.)

I was also told by certain people to just wait and see what the hideous creature known as Robert Mueller had to say when he was done with his investigation. Honestly, I don't trust Mueller at all and for good reasons. I certainly didn't need him to tell me what did or didn't happen during the 2016 election cycle but I played along, for the most part.

Bob Mueller was elevated to the status of a messiah figure all because he was “anti-Trump” in the minds of those who also loathe Trump.

I'm sorry but I will not and cannot forget that this person lied about weapons of mass destruction and also covered up torture. This didn't seem to bother some individuals because, after all, he was against Trump and that's all it takes these days, I guess.

Well, the report is now in and I can't help but notice that those same people who told me to wait and see, are still not satisfied with the results. There are “news outlets” who are doubling down on their invented conspiracy theory about Russia working with Trump to get him elected. This is sheer madness.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard or seen how Trump was going to be whisked away in handcuffs! Clearly many of us on the outside looking in, for lack of a better description, knew that this would not be the case. The opposition really could have concentrated on provable wrongs that this man carried out but instead they decided to stick to the Russia conspiracy theory.

It didn't matter when I tried, in vain, to show people the reality of the situation by providing them with evidence to the contrary, in terms of this “Russia hacked the DNC” stuff. That was proven to be a LIE beyond a shadow of a doubt by the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) ages ago! I even wrote about it but some were not interested in reading my column because they might have to step outside of their comfort zones and learn the real story.

VIPS did something that Mueller did NOT do, which was to perform a forensic study on the actual data that was supposedly hacked. What they found was that the download speeds did not coincide with the information going over the internet to WikiLeaks. They found that it had to have been downloaded to a thumb drive or another storage device locally and THEN handed off to WikiLeaks. In fact, they pinpointed it to the east coast of this country.

(Just a reminder about WikiLeaks: it is a publisher and nothing more. In other words, this meme about WikiLeaks being some kind of Russian tool is silly and wrong. The publication has a good record over the past dozen years of being right. Now, they decide to not investigate some things, which goes without saying but what they HAVE brought out has never been challenged as false.)

Of course no one from that group or others who were skeptical about the Russia Gate conspiracy theory, were invited on MSNBC or CNN or other outlets to go over this information because it went against the narrative. I witnessed, via clips of the “news” from independent outlets, people on the corporate TV media saying boldly, “Russia hacked the DNC.” That was a total LIE, ladies and gentlemen.

I was shocked and appalled to see this whole thing unfold. I mean clutching pearls doesn't begin to describe the situation.

The biggest Russia Gate conspiracy theorist has to be Rachel (Russia) Maddow of MSNBC. Night after night and year after year, she would not let this go. It was all Russia all the time from her and sadly, she is STILL at it.

This is disgraceful to say the very least. First of all, these same “news” outlets were not punished and not one person was fired after lying about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Actually, they were doing their real job at the time which is to ALWAYS support and encourage war, now that I ponder. Clearly they wouldn't be taken to task for doing what they do best now, would they?

Now you watch, not ONE person will be held accountable for lying to the American public for years about this stupid story that Russia helped Trump get into office and is somehow controlling him. I am stunned and to the max, I might add.

I'm going to close this because my blood pressure is going up. I'm in shock; I'm dismayed; I'm in disbelief over the whole thing. I am, however, going to provide you with a few policies that have been carried out AGAINST Russia in order to show you how Trump is NO Putin puppet. Don't get me wrong as all “leaders” are puppets in one way or another but generally speaking, they are all beholden to their donors and to Israel.

Here is the above-mentioned list showing how, if Trump is controlled by “Russia,” he is not doing a very good job for them.

The Trump administration has built up the NATO presence on the Russia border; built up war ships in the Black Sea near Russia; armed Ukrainian rebels who are against Russia, which is something not even Obama would do; verbally went after some European countries because they were getting their oil from Russia; bombed Syria and remained there, as Russia doesn't want us there, nor does Syria for that matter; increased sanctions against Russia and pulled out of the nuclear treaty with Russia. OH yes! He sounds like a total Russian agent to me, how about you?

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck – if you really want to see how the election was scandalous, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler and “The General's Son” by Miko Peled, which shows the REAL history of our “best friends,” Israel)