VERY unpopular opinion

I am puzzled over something, which is par for the course, and decided to share with you this week. I must tell you in advance that the subject in question is one for which there is a great deal of passion. I mean people get VERY wound up when this topic is broached. Just bear with.

Allow me to begin with somewhat of a question on which I hope you ponder deeply. Let's pretend that you are vehemently against something. It can be anything really from a public policy to a car brand or even a proposed new business in your area, to name a few. I will give you a moment to bring to your minds something for which you have strong objections. (This column doesn't count as a strong objection!)

Time is up. Now, in order to illustrate this in a more clear manner, I'm going to pretend to be outraged or not in favor of a new business on the horizon. (To my knowledge there are no new businesses being proposed in any area. I'm only doing this so that I MIGHT be more clear, which is always a struggle.)

I'm pretending that this objectionable “thing” is a new supermarket that is being built near this town. I'm feigning ire because I feel it might run the Golden Dawn and Ray's out of business. (For those readers who are not familiar with this neck of the woods, Golden Dawn is our hometown supermarket right here in Conneaut Lake, PA. Ray's Marketplace is in Linesville, home of the world-famous Community News.)

Now, with all of this being said, do you think that it's “normal” for me to pick who the manager of the store will be? Remember, I'm AGAINST this venture totally with NO wiggle room. Should I concern myself with helping them to pick their employees?

Let's add to this mix of insanity that it turns out that the owner of the store really isn't the owner. Instead Owner is being used by “higher ups” for all sorts of unsavory things. People behind the scenes are pulling the strings of Owner.

It turns out that the store is a front for money laundering and other illegal activities. So, in other words, even the “boss” isn't really the boss because in actuality, it is being run behind the scenes by some TERRIBLE characters who have committed murder, theft and any other crime that comes to mind.

In that case, should I partake in any decision making in terms of picking that manager? Should I be involved with any kind of action that will see people becoming employed by this horrid store?

This does have a point, I promise. I am just trying to get you to think outside of the box or see things from a different angle is all.

Now, I want you to more or less replace the word supermarket or variations thereof, with the word government. Also substitute picking a manager and/or employees with voting for president, congressman/woman and/or senator. Do you see where this is heading now?

People get highly irritated when Person A says that he is not going to take part in voting; Person A thinks it does no real good in terms of changing the corrupt system that is in place and has been for eons.

I'm not sure why this voting stuff is pushed the way it is because most people realize how our voting machines are compromised. They are also aware of how votes have been caught via film, flipping from the candidate that was chosen, to his/her opponent. Many are also aware of how Interstate Crosscheck purged MILLIONS off the voting rolls across the land in the last election and ones before it too, now that I ponder. And yet, somehow those same people will happily march to the polling stations and receive that little “I Voted” sticker!

I know people who are AGAINST the government totally as they think it is too big and has too much power over the citizens, yet, they still vote! WHY are people still supporting this system? Why do they become enraged when presented with the idea of not taking part?

I can feel the anger floating my way now totally. I'm sorry you are upset with me over this but I do hope you can understand why SOME people decide to NOT partake in this system. Some feel they are loaning their approval to a system that benefits only the super wealthy and those with “connections.” Some have awakened to the realization that the government does not work for the people but is focused on doing the bidding of the donor class.

Just ask yourselves why wars continue to rage on when most citizens of a given territory are against them. If I intercepted people outside of the post office on any given afternoon and asked if they are for or against war, I'm thinking 9 out of 10 would be against this sort of activity. (This would be for offensive wars and not defensive ones.)

Yet, WE still do war daily! That is just one example. If you polled individuals about the need to get money out of politics, for another example, I bet ALL of them would say it's the right thing to do. However, we still allow politicians to accept legal bribery in this day and age.

There are many examples of how the politicians do not work for the people but are beholden to those who bribe them legally or blackmail them as well. The CIA and FBI and other “three letter agencies” have been involved with this forever. The surveillance state has something on most everyone. Don't you think it may be used for blackmailing purposes? If not, please remove the rose-colored glasses.

I'm not saying if I will or won't head to the polls when the time comes but I am saying that I understand why some do not partake in such things. If a person is against the very system that encourages us to vote, why would he/she partake? I'm just not understanding it.

I've noticed that people “voter shame” others if they do not take part. “Get out and vote. VOTE today! If you don't vote, you cannot complain.” That last one is my “favorite” of all because I see it as just the opposite. (George Carlin brought this to my attention some time ago during one of his stand-up gigs.)

If you DO take part in propping up this awful oligarchy then maybe you should not “complain,” because the very act of voting shows that you approve in some manner. If you do not loan your good name to these shenanigans, then you DO have every right to complain or point it out to other people. Carlin mentioned that it's just the opposite of what we've been spoon fed by the establishment over the years and I agree with him. (It seems like anything that is being pushed by the establishment should be examined more closely, to put it mildly.)

I know that this column will have many clutching pearls and I guess that's OK. If I do decide to pick a manager for that fake supermarket in my illustration, I will make certain he/she is an absolute unknown with not one chance of being hired.

Hey, at least I can go through the motions so that I can tell everyone that I voted! If you really want to be taken aside and lectured sternly, just tell someone in your path that you are considering abstaining from voting. Get ready for voter shaming and name calling. I think you can handle this though as you are all pretty tough cookies.

Just try it for fun even if you are not serious. Approach a good friend and tell him/her that you refuse to cast a vote for a puppet who will be controlled by “organized crime,” or something very similar. Tell him/her that you will not vote. Then turn and RUN, run, run for your life, as you WILL be berated and loudly, I guarantee!

Well that's all the excrement I can stir in one column so I'm going to release you from bondage at this time. I will be hiding out in an undisclosed area until I feel I can safely mingle in public again.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler, AIPAC Lobby)