Buddy Birthday Bash in print form

This week I'm going to do what I've done several times recently and transfer one of my YouTube games into a column. I will put the answers and any additional information at the bottom.

This is from a recent game where we celebrated Buddy Bates, a “lounger” with a July 16, 1954 birthday. (My show is Lounging with Lisa and the members of the chat/lounge are called “loungers,” for you newbies out there.)

There are questions pertaining to that particular date and variations thereof, plus other interesting jazz associated with Buddy. I'm taking it easy on you this week and will try to supply the more user-friendly questions for your game-playing pleasure, or pain. No cheating and I wish you well. Please, as usual, excuse odd sentence structure.

One: She had to do everything HE did but backwards and whilst wearing high heels and she shares a birthday with Buddy but was born in 1911. Two: Betty and Barney Hill were the first Americans in the “modern era” to report having been abducted by aliens and taken into a UFO. Other than the obvious, what made this particular couple somewhat of an anomaly in the 1960s?

Three: In December of 1954, this person was formally censured by the Senate in a 67 to 22 vote, effectively ending his Communist witch hunt which ruined the lives of many people. Four: In1954 the last detainee, a Norwegian merchant seaman named Arne Peterssen was released from this region near the Statue of Liberty that is heavily associated with immigrants. After said release, it was closed. What is it?

Five: Across the pond: In 1954 BBC Television screened its famous, and controversial, adaptation of George Orwell's book which emphasized the surveillance state among other things. It was downright prophetic.

Six: This song, which was the ORIGINAL theme song for the show Happy Days, was a chart topper in 1954. Seven: In 1954 the first nuclear powered submarine was commissioned by the US Navy. It would also become the first to cross the North Pole and I interviewed a person who was aboard when she did so. What was the name of the sub?

Eight: In 1954 an item that is known for “programming” the public was becoming popular and many homes contained one. It was probably the reason for Swanson introducing THIS in the same year. Nine: Although these days Buddy enjoys Mexican food, his mother prepared wonderful yet simple dishes. One of his favorites is described as a dish said to have been prepared by American hobos in camps in the early 1900s. Another variation is called Community Stew as it contains whatever food can be collected.

Ten: “Once upon a time, Once when you were mine, I remember skies Reflected in your eyes, I wonder where you are, I wonder if you think about me, Once upon a time, In your wildest dreams,” was stated by one of Buddy's fave groups. The name of the group might describe a menopausal woman and the color of the sky—on a good day—the sky that is!

Eleven: What is a dish of Mexican origin consisting of strips of spiced beef or chicken, chopped vegetables, and grated cheese, wrapped in a soft tortilla and often served with sour cream, guacamole and other toppings?

Twelve: Buddy enjoys the work of Dolores Cannon who, over the span of 50 years, was able to get some people in touch with their PAST selves, so to speak. Her hypnotherapy focused on aspects of THIS so that people might recall who, what, where and WHEN they used to be. This is a major aspect of many Eastern religions.

Thirteen: This person is actually a native of Katy Texas and used to play his guitar out at Bear Creek Park, west of Houston. He is a famous country singer and is one of Buddy's favorites. His most notable songs are: A Better Man and Killin' Time. He is married to Lisa Hartman. His first name puts one in the mind of the actor who said, “Make my day” and his last name is super duper dark.

Fourteen: Buddy and his charming wife live in this city which is associated with the Space Needle and a famous TV show about 2 quirky psychiatrists, a flannel loving father and a kooky Brit not to mention a dog named Eddie. Fifteen: This is sometimes referred to as THE Seattle sound and is a fusion genre of alternative rock, punk rock and heavy metal. A subculture emerged during the mid 80s in the Pacific Northwest US state of Washington especially near or in Seattle.

Sixteen: Eddie Vedder was or is the lead singer of this Seattle Grunge group which puts one in the mind of something I clutch and crushed whole fruits which compete with jelly. Seventeen: This blew its top in 1980 and had ramifications for most of the Belly O the Beast (USA) afterwards. It is located in Buddy's state.

Eighteen: Although he was “born” a few years earlier, this delightful underground vegetable with various “features” that could be placed here and there for added fun, was a fave toy for the Christmas season of 1954. He would later marry. Nineteen: If a person turned to you and said: “All along the watchtower there appears to be purple haze,” what Seattle native might come to mind?

Twenty: The first general strike in the nation was in Seattle in 1919 - it lasted five days, February 6-11, as 60,000 people walked off their jobs. Where did they work?

Answers: One: Ginger Rogers. Two: They were an interracial couple. Three: Senator McCarthy. Four: Ellis Island, more info: What is often not realized is not all Immigrants entering the United States were processed at Ellis Island many were never required to undergo processing only those who arrived on "steerage" or third class passengers were processed at Ellis Island. First and second class passengers who arrived in New York Harbor were not required to undergo the inspection process at Ellis Island. Ellis Island is located in the upper bay just off the New Jersey coast, within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty.

Five: 1984. Six: Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley and the Comets. Seven: Nautilus. Eight: TV Dinner. Nine: Mulligan Stew. Ten: Moody Blues. Eleven: Fajita. Twelve: Reincarnation. Thirteen: Clint Black. Fourteen: Seattle. Fifteen: Grunge. Sixteen: Pearl Jam. Seventeen: Mt. St. Helens. Eighteen: Mr. Potato Head. Nineteen: Jimi Hendrix. Twenty: Shipyard or Dock workers is fine.

I think twenty is just about all I can fit this week. Thank you for playing and I hope you got them all right.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler, “Where did the Towers Go” By Dr. Judy Wood)