Pearl clutching madness over Putin/Trump

[Editor’s note: The opinions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper].

I honestly cannot believe that I'm once again typing a column about the insanity surrounding Donald Trump, his campaign and Russia but I cannot remain silent about this. On second thought, when do I ever remain silent about anything? In all seriousness, I thought by now we would have moved on to more important issues facing us as a nation but we have not so here I am once again.

I guess I should begin by reminding some people that as a general rule, the “three letter agencies” are not really looking out for you. They are directly connected to the military industrial complex and pushing war, whether cold or hot, is on their agenda. A bogyman is necessary to keep them rolling in the dough.

They play dirty in many ways, shapes and forms. Remember back during the Civil Rights Movement when the FBI and others infiltrated the movement and also tried their best to make Dr. King look like a hideous person? Well I wasn't really of age during that time but I have certainly found out since that this did happen and it's no real secret.

Not to mention but I feel I must, the CIA also “jump started” the hippie movement in order to paint them as long hair pot smoking loons because they were mostly AGAINST the Vietnam War—Yes WAR, I refuse to say “conflict” in this case and others too. Back then actual intellectuals who did not smoke pot or wear their hair long were speaking out against the war as well but this was a sneaky way to take the focus off what many would call more refined criticism of the war and put the focus on the “crazy hippies.” (It seems as though most humans are still impressed by a business suit instead of a tie dye garment.)

The CIA has overthrown governments galore and the US of A in general has been nation building and “interfering” with elections all over the globe. (One of the many took place during the 90s when “we” got our man Yeltsin in RUSSIA!) That is why this deal with Russia ALLEGEDLY “hacking” or “influencing” our election is nothing short of hypocritical. (Not to mention the drug running and other hideous crimes against humanity carried out by these agencies.)

There is literally no evidence that this happened but there is plenty of actual tangible evidence that it did not happen in the manner that is being portrayed by the pearl clutching reactionary corporate media. (Just a reminder that 6 corporations control over 90% of what we take in from movies to “news” to books, to you name it. They also have connections to the war machine as some of the owners are literally military contractors. Gee, what could they have to gain by pushing this crazed narrative for years at this point?)

If you have not yet heard of whistle blowers like Bill Binney, Ray McGovern and John Kiriakou, then I would suggest that you are not being told the whole story about “Russia ATTACKING our dear sweet democracy!”

All of the above-mentioned individuals, along with a plethora of real journalists and other former intel agents, have looked into the allegations and have found that the narrative is a myth. I am counting on you to look into this further as space, time and energy do not permit me to spoon feed you at this time. Please look into a group called Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity for just ONE example. Seymour (Sy) Hersh and other real reporters have also arrived at conclusions that are NOT the same as the establishment narrative, to say the very least.

Allow me to bring this all back to the beginning as the waters have become so muddied about the whole thing. In mid-June of 2016 Julian Assange of Wikileaks which is not connected to Russia in any way, shape or form, said he had obtained emails from Hillary Clinton and would be releasing them.

Knowing that this was coming out and might show how that campaign colluded with the media and other entities to steal the primary from Sanders, the campaign panicked and decided to throw this all on Russia. (There have been reports galore and a book was written by some inside the campaign that showed how this “Russia did it” was planned by the HRC campaign from the start. Check out “Shattered” for one or simply read the Wikileaks.)

The emails indeed showed that the primary was stolen and they also revealed that the DNC was really being controlled by the Clinton campaign which is a no-no.

The media got to work right away in terms of keeping the focus off of the actual contents of the emails. They instead moved full-steam ahead with attacking and discrediting the messenger. One outlet even said that citizens were not permitted to read the contents of the Wikileaks! I'm not making this up ladies and gentlemen.

Thus began the whole sordid saga about Russia which has led to INSANE statements about Trump being a Putin puppet, how this was an act of WAR and other ridiculous, dangerous declarations. You know, just because the political class along with the corporate media are shouting things from the rooftops does not mean they are being truthful. I know that is shocking and lurid but it is true.

Please drift back to the lead up to the ILLEGAL invasion of another country called Iraq. We were not allowed to dissent, ask for proof of weapons of mass destruction or question the official story at all. We were told that we were either for the war or for the terrorists. Anyone even questioning this whole act was oft' labeled as “UN American.” Hmm this is sounding familiar.

Getting back to the fact that Trump did not “collude” with Russia, whatever that really means, and is NOT being ruled by Putin, let me show you just a few examples of why this “meme” is so utterly ridiculous. Trump has taken various actions and has made many statements which show that if he is under the control of Vlad, he sure isn't doing a very good job with the assignment.

He has sent lethal arms to Ukraine for the purposes of fighting Russia, he has overseen the bombing of Syria, expelled even more diplomats, denounced a pipeline between Germany and Russia and has imposed sanctions on Russian oligarchs who are close to President Putin in one manner or another. Call me crazy and I know you will but these actions do not sound like efforts taken by a president who is supposedly in the pocket of Vlad Putin.

I have said this so many times now that I'm tiring of it myself but I must reiterate yet again. Our country does not bow down to Russia but instead takes a lot of orders from another entity called Israel. Some of this came out during the press conference between Trump and Putin as well. When asked about Syria, Trump literally answered by mentioning Israel something like nine times. It was one of the first things out of his mouth for crying out loud. We must do all we can to make Israel safe since those big bad Palestinians they are murdering in cold blood might throw rocks at the poor soldiers! This is lunatic behavior. He went on to say that he and Bi Bi had chatted about this many times, blah, blah, and blah.

It is now illegal in several states to be a part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. Not to mention but there is a bill making its way in Congress that would make it illegal to protest Israel. Don't forget “we” have a long history of covering up for their crimes against humanity including the attack on “our” own ship called the USS Liberty. Now that is a rabbit hole I suggest you travel. If you still adore Israel after that TREASONOUS act on the part of LBJ and his goons then I don't think there is any hope.

I'm almost out of space which I know brings you great joy. I simply don't have room for all of this and I realize that I tried to fit a lot into this piece. Allow me to leave you with a request. Please inform me when this Mueller creature calls witnesses to testify about the download speeds of the LEAKED not HACKED emails. Please inform me when some former members of the three letter agencies who became whistle blowers are called to the stand for their expertise. (By the way, Mueller is filthy dirty too and LIED to us about weapons of mass destruction, defended torture and other terrible things. However, he has now been redeemed. All it takes to be redeemed in the eyes of many is to loathe Trump or work to boot him out of office. All is forgiven. Even those who literally committed war crimes are now embraced all in the name of Trump hatred. It's a total Norman Rockwell portrait is it not? )

Here is a quote from Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald: “In the 18 months that he's been in office you can see the things that Donald Trump has done that are adverse in serious ways to the interest of Vladimir Putin including ones that President Obama refused to do. So this film, this movie—fairy tale that I know is really exciting it's like international intrigue and blackmail like the Russians have something over Trump—it's like the Manchurian candidate, it's like something from the 1970s thrillers we all watched. It is all inane...”

Yep sounds like he's a Putin puppet for sure. Now check out the things he has done in the interest of Israel including ditching the Iran deal and bombing Syria to name only TWO of the many—oh of course the embassy move, how could I forget that one?

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck – this REALLY had an effect on the election but we hear nothing of it, “Erasing the Liberty,” by Phil Tourney a member of the crew when Israel attacked it 50 plus years ago, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler, which shows us all the REAL reasons “we” do war)

PS “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” (This quote is attributed to Joseph Goebbels but there is some debate as to whether or not he said it. Whoever said this is on the mark though, in my not-so-humble opinion. Keep in mind that our corporate media is an extension of the state since they are both funded by or owned by the same evil interests.)