Egg timers, parking & speeches, oh my!

This week I shall return to the parking scandal scenario in the charming hamlet of Conneaut Lake, PA. (For my readers in other towns and states, please bear with but this is an important issue, believe it or not.) Just in case you are not aware of said scandal, I recommend that you check out some recent issues of this award-winning paper. You can do so via the website which is:

Roseanne has been filling the public in on the happenings for some time now and composed an excellent report toward the end of June. I have addressed it in this space also known as my OPINION column region several times now, at this point.

The proposed no parking on the south side of Water Street situation had the town hall filled to the rim during the meeting which was also attended by your humble (?) columnist and Mother.

As many may recall, I used to cover the meetings but could no longer do so when I had some health issues years ago. I have to say that it was super fun and rather relaxing to just be an observer of the shenanigans that unfolded. I didn't have to remain seated for the entire time, which was good considering it went on to the point of people aging whilst taking in the action.

Many people were on the agenda to speak and a few were in the room who were not permitted to speak but more about that later, if space allows.

All citizens who addressed council came prepared with well thought out statements, requests and data. Applause galore filled the room after each person presented his/her concerns. It was really heartwarming to see many pipe up about how the insane idea of not allowing parking would crush the downtown business community.

As I'm sure you know by now, the original vote that was taken on this was rendered null and void because the one councilman had not been sworn in officially back in January. Roseanne can give you those details as I'm just here to impart my personal opinion about the FACTS of the matter.

Evidently there was a decision made to allow parking to continue but it would be limited to “small vehicles.” SUV type modes of transport and larger trucks will not be permitted, which leaves Edna out. (Edna is my van just in case you were not aware. She is not dainty by any stretch of the imagination.)

I have NO clue how that is going to work out since our rural community consists of people who own trucks and SUVs plus vans, as is the case with Perpetual and me. Also many of the tourists who visit would be using the larger vehicles to tow boats, etc. This smells funny to me still and yes, I took a shower today—or was that yesterday? At any rate, I think I might be breaking the law soon and thought I'd put it in writing for all to enjoy.

I still don't understand why this parking has to change at all and I remain super suspicious about the whole thing. Since the original vote was null and void, it should have been left alone but now it has moved in this direction. Good luck with enforcing that new “rule,” I might add.

Speaking of enforcement, I cover the police commission meetings and have for some time now. I don't recall any of the “beautification people” coming to a meeting or approaching the commission about ANY of the plans for the downtown region. That would seem like a logical place to start in terms of ascertaining the real or fake dangers of parking on Water Street but really, when does logic prevail?

When I cover those meetings there are no residents in attendance or there may be very few. The last time a police gathering was packed was when there were some issues in terms of being permitted to utilize golf carts on the roads of the township and in the borough and that was years ago. I just find it odd that the local department was not approached about any plans or to answer any questions—to my knowledge, I repeat.

Returning to the speaking portion of the assembly last night, council has come up with some “interesting” new rules that more or less limit those permitted to approach the body with questions and concerns.

For just one example, a person who shall remain nameless and faceless, is a local business owner. He or she called the borough secretary to be put on the agenda for the meeting and was asked if he/she owned the BUILDING in which his/her BUSINESS is located and if not, did he/she live in the borough. He/She does not live in the borough and rents the space for his/her business so he/she was not put on the agenda at all. That is pure male bovine excrement ladies and gentleman.

I really am rather flabbergasted over that one and I hope you are too. There is absolutely no excuse for not allowing him or her to approach council about something that could RUIN his or her business.

One of the residents who fit the criteria for being permitted to speak (five minute limit and and egg timer was utilized—I am not making this up) mentioned that the new rule actually prohibits first responders from talking to council. I thought that was an excellent point if I do say so myself and I just did so I shall press on.

I do have a recommendation in terms of using that egg timer for the good of humanity in general and that would be to limit the time that certain members of council can speak! I know that will win me friends and influence people but I just couldn't resist. I'm nothing if not sarcastic and rather blunt from time to time and this is one of those times.

I do understand that certain topics can lead to a lot of bloviating but some of the smaller things that are dragged out for an eternity could be shortened—let's just be honest with ourselves.

Mother was actually worried that we would “get in trouble” for going to the gathering because—GASP—we live in the township. I hope people realize that these decisions affect everyone and not just people who take up residence in Conneaut Lake “proper.” We sat as quiet as church mice, which was apropos since the town hall is literally located in an old church.

I will once again reiterate that it was so wonderful to see so many residents and “outsiders” alike in attendance. I hope this becomes a trend.

OK, I think at this point I've caused some to clutch pearls whilst simultaneously leading others to cheer. In closing I will say that for reasons like this, it is important for people to try to attend local meetings as much as possible. This was sort of a special case because people who did attend were told one thing and then last minute, another thing was sprung on them. However, I think that in general it might be a good rule of thumb to try to appear for these gatherings of local governmental bodies if at all possible. (You don't even have to stay for all of it but if you plan to do so, bring camping equipment.)

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler, “Erasing the Liberty” by Phil Tourney)