“Come fly (or hover) with me”

This week’s piece might be a bit more bizarre than usual but I just thought I’d go for something deep and maybe even meaningful. It is a shocking situation for certain but I shall make the attempt anyway.

I’ve found myself thinking about life, death, the nature of our reality, if we are really here, I could be dreaming and other weird stuff for some time now. I wasn’t really sure what to pen this week and I’m sick to death of all things Trump everywhere we turn; so I’m doing this instead.

I’m not big on vaccines really but if they made one for “TDS” (Trump Derangement Syndrome), I think I might persuade all in my path to become immunized and pronto. Mind you, this is coming from a person who is NOT a supporter of the man in question. The other side has gone so crazy as of late (if late is now defined as since about the early 90s) that they are driving people into the large orange arms of their competitor!!

Clearly I’m joking about supporting any of the people who are in our government. We all admit freely and in passing, almost in a casual manner, that politicians are corrupt to the MAX but somehow just accept that and head to the voting booth next time around. Talk about THE definition of insanity in terms of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results—wow!

OK, I’m now going to move along to the strange(r) part of this piece that I talked about earlier. Here I go.

Do you ever think deeply about weird stuff? I will give you an example of what I mean but I’m not sure yet myself. What I think I’m trying to ask is have you ever really stepped outside of the mainstream paradigm and examined things in a totally objective manner without the interference of any preconceived notions getting in the way? WOW!

Well, I’ve been doing this for some time now and wanted to attempt to tell you about it IF I am able to put it into words.

One of the things I’ve pictured is my hovering about in space (as in outer space) and looking at Earth as a total outsider. What would someone in that position think of wars for just one example?

When you get down to the bare essence of the matter, human beings are delivered to unfamiliar territory where they have no clue about the customs nor do they speak the language, generally speaking.

They then commence killing and maiming each other at the behest of their governments. Not to mention, but I will, they are then considered to be wonderful for doing so but in words only as many of them return and are neglected by those who sent them away in the first place.

Of course the governments are generally working on behalf of big corporations who must seize the resources in the areas that are being invaded so it’s more or less a vicious circle of elite forces working in unison.

Throw in those who are members of the Military Industrial Complex and we have real live cabal “in charge” of things. It’s like a Norman Rockwell portrait, is it not?

I think that the heads of these corporations, banks, etc. should fight their own battles and leave OUR kids out of it. I know, I know, it’s a crazy idea and thought but I’ve always been a bit “out there” in terms of how my mind works.

Whilst hanging out in space, I picture how totally ridiculous this all is. We are supposedly enlightened individuals living in modern times but how much has really changed when it comes to the conquest of other lands?

Just think of it this way: it’s now 2019 and invading other countries in order to kill people we don’t even know is morally OK with many people. It’s totally insane when you think about it in this way, isn’t it?

Also, imagine that these governments and other cabal members are able to conjure up reasons to keep people fighting and at odds with each other. They could perhaps use one of their arms called “the media” for pulling this off. It’s an ingenious plan really but one that I think has run its course as many citizens of this world are awakening to the cabal and its plan.

Speaking of governments and sticking with the theme of erasing every accepted paradigm from your mind, why do we need permission from them to do certain things?

Every week the boss drops off other publications for me to peruse in the hopes of perhaps picking up some new advertisers. I couldn’t help but notice in a recent paper that there was a page dedicated to showing how many counties in the state are now “permitting” medical cannabis to be utilized by sick people.

Think about this, ladies and gentlemen. Some kind of so-called “officials” are able to permit other human beings to do something to their OWN bodies for their OWN health and comfort. I’m too stunned to be livid but give me time—I said STUNNED and not STONED so stop that thought!

I will break that down even more for you. We are ALL humans (well, for the most part) and yet we have to beg other humans to allow us some dignity in sickness by asking if we might ingest a particular substance. We sometimes are even forced to petition other people to allow us this privilege. Let that sink in. If you are against this totally, at least try to think about it, would you?

As I perch in my purple spaceship and hover above the world, I’m seeing a lot of things more clearly. I think maybe you should try this as well. If nothing else, it’s a good mind expanding exercise and might aid in your seeing things in a different way. (Note, I now have a purple spaceship which I didn’t necessarily have when I began this jazz. I thought I’d make it a bit more thrilling. Is it working? Am I digressing? OK then, I shall move along.)

I think I’m done for the week actually. I have to take the purple ship in for a tune up and anti-gravity compartment change. Oh, while I have you I shall remind you to turn off that television! I mean just break the word down and take artistic license whilst doing so: tel LIE vision. Get it? Like telepathy lying to you via vision. I know, I’m super clever.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck – the REAL interference in the election, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler – FREE online and a short read pertaining to just WHY “we” do wars, “The General’s Son,” by Miko Peled – for the real story behind the so-called “state” of Israel, told through the words of the son of a General who was “involved” in the 1967 war. Also check out the USS Liberty).
