STOP with the “sides,” PLEASE

As the saying goes, I’m not in a “good place” mentally or really even physically this week so I’m relying on the vault this time. I haven’t used a rerun in a long time so I didn’t think you’d mind too much, under the circumstances.

Really, not much has changed since I plunked this piece into this space about a year ago. Maybe just change the part about Assad “gassing his own people,” to something pertaining to the lies being pushed about Iran being the biggest exporter of terrorism. Just prep to do that whilst reading and we should be good to go. Enjoy!

This week I had a difficult time deciding what I should provide for your reading pleasure or pain. I ran ideas by the cats, canned goods, ironing board in the living room (moved from the kitchen where it served as an extra counter-top during canning season) and the imaginary friends in my head. Actually, the ironing board gave me the best advice so here I am to share it with you all. Aren't you delighted?

Fair warning, this might be a bit all over the map but then again, when isn't it? I am just very frustrated today (most days) in terms of the political climate, so to speak.

You know that I refuse to use terms like “the left” or “the right” which makes it a bit more difficult to get my points across to you but I shall give it my best shot.

Before I inch forward, I must remind you that I do NOT identify as anything politically speaking. Full disclosure I am a registered Democrat but only because I was forced into it during the primary season this last time.

I was a registered Republican for years for the very same reasons. Since Pennsylvania doesn't permit independent minded voters to decide on much, this is what I had to do. I would not vote for either party at a federal level right this minute, just to be clear.

There is no official anti-war party so that leaves me out of the mix. Plus they are all owned by corporate and military industrial complex interests. I would not vote for Bernie Sanders again either because he's not anti-war and he has been lying about “Russiagate.” Sorry I have principles and if that upsets you then I don't know what to say.

Bottom line is: “If voting counted they wouldn't let us do it,” Mark Twain.

I do NOT toe the line for any party or philosophy other than discussing the actual issues at hand. It's not important for me to “be” something. I'm not into identity politics, I guess. I'm a human living on earth so I suppose I'm an “earthling” if nothing else.

I feel I have to say this all of the time, which is a bit irritating, but we have been groomed to assume things about others.

“OH if she is speaking honestly about Hillary Clinton then that must mean she lives for Donald Trump.” NO—it doesn't work that way.

Why is everything in life divided into sides now? Why don't people stop with the name-calling and discuss ISSUES instead? (I have the answer by the way.) Why are we still judging others on how they voted in the 2016 election? This has reached the level of sheer insanity. (It was just at the insanity level but has moved up.)

The reason why the “powers that be” do not want the citizens to come together and actually talk is because they like it this way. They like the idea that people have allowed themselves to be totally manipulated into picking a side and sticking with that side no matter what the cost.

I can't even think of something that hasn't been politicized at this time and I'm not kidding.

This is all a show to keep people divided and fighting and the corporate mainstream media is to blame. I cannot recall how many times I have begged people to STOP with the corporate media but they love it. Just keep in mind that 6 corporations control most everything we read, watch, learn, etc. I keep saying this to no avail I guess.

They don't care that said media took part in LYING us into the Iraq War or others, as that wasn't the first, nor will it be the last time. (My goodness they have been desperate to prove somehow that Assad is gassing his own people. There is EVIDENCE to the contrary though. Don't believe me. Please stay glued to the corporate media by all means. You know, the same ones owned by military contractors—yes, listen to them.)

They overlook how they had military generals on panels going on and on about how we must destroy this or that nation, meanwhile said generals were WORKING for military contractors. They forget how any anti-war reporters were FIRED. They let it go that they gave Donald Trump BILLIONS in free airtime during the election and then acted all shocked and appalled when he won! I never use these !!!! but am really into them at this time because I'm super wound up.

I am just totally flabbergasted that no lesson has been learned but then again, they don't want us to learn from this.

Just keep tuning in to hear how “the left” did this and “the right” did that or how Donald Trump said this on Twitter! People act like things were hunky dory until Trump came along. They were NOT, by the by.

Wow! I am out of control right now but geez Louise, this has to stop. And this Faux News stuff really makes me mad. Faux, which I used to LOVE before I got deprogrammed, is the best at propaganda when it comes to one thing in particular. They have managed to convince a large portion of humanity that somehow they are not mainstream media!! It's unbelievable.

Recently some surveys were conducted that proved how close together on the issues the American public actually is.

I don't know if you will hear about it but they asked about specific policy ideas and guess what? When questions are framed in a manner that leaves out this political identity jazz, people AGREE with each other.

Don't you see? This side picking and constant pearl clutching by the corporate media is really to program us to think a certain way about “the other.”

I will not partake and I truly hope that you will give some consideration to this rambling column. I realize it wasn't totally on ONE topic but that's how my mind works and I think you should know that by now.

Always remember: “A mind is like a parachute – It doesn't work if it's not open,” Frank Zappa

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC Lobby, War is a Racket by General Smedley Butler)