August excitement

Can you believe it’s August already? Actually, as I type this it is the tail-end of July but you know what I mean, I think.

This month is rather thrilling for me on one hand but on the other hand it’s tedious and horrid. Clearly I shall explain why this is and in doing so, I hope to fill up this column space.

On the thrilling hand, I am OFF from doing my weekly games on my YouTube channel. (I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this or not but I have a channel on YouTube. I make videos and then on Sundays I go live with a trivia-related game of some sort that I’ve conjured in my cluttered mind. From time to time

I’ve been known to turn games into columns. I hope you recognize my sarcasm by now because I mention this as oft’ as I can. In other words, I know that you know that I have this channel on YT, I’m just being a smarty pants, as the saying goes. I think I’m digressing as well but can’t be sure.)

Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy carrying out the Sunday live gig stuff but we all need a little break every now and again. Also, it really isn’t much of a vacation because Perpetual (life partner, fiance of 87 years, ball-and-chain, etc.) and I spend most every second of spare time canning veggies from the 10’ X 44’ garden. That is the reason for the “tedious” description above, to be clear.

So, I get to trade performing research and creating fun games for a live audience for an “event” that has the house overflowing with all things produce. Mother never got into canning because she said that it is simply too messy and she cannot have that now, can she? I have to agree with her on this one though. Good gravy, half the time it looks like the Manson Family came a callin’ due to the tomato factor.

Let’s face reality, ladies and germs, canning is a disaster and especially if one calls a shoe box home. In other words, we have a small house. Some might say cozy or quaint or some other flowery description but it’s little—there is no escaping it no matter how we dress up the language.

I have just one more observation about the whole canning scenario and then I shall move along to brighter topics. I must qualify this next part as to not cause hurt feelings. Here goes: Perpetual is a wonderful person, companion, provider and anything else that comes to mind that is complimentary. HOWEVER, and you knew it was coming, he’s kind of “not much fun” in terms of sharing a kitchen for Mason Jar stuffing purposes. Let me just say that the words “cranky” and “bossy” float to the forefront currently. (That was a super kind way of saying it, by the by.)

Moving along to a reason to kind of dig August; it’s my anniversary month with this paper. I realize that a surprise ticker-tape parade is being planned for me right now. I know, I know, it’s a shame I found out about the festivities being planned in my honor but I will pretend to look shocked.

Last year I supplied reruns for this page in order to really celebrate in a fun manner but I might try to pound out original pieces this “Lisa Season.” I don’t want to cause massive pearl clutching to unfold in the reading area so I will do my best to provide you with some sort of “entertainment” during the most fabulous month of August. (WOW, get out the barn boots at this point.)

Thirteen years ago (later in the month actually) I put on some “Miss Perkins” type clothing and headed to the newsroom for an interview with the chief. I guess I will explain the Miss Perkins stuff now even though I’m sure I’ve covered it in the past. (I hope I have new readers who might not be aware of all of the oddities in my life.)

My friend Mick wanted me to stop by his house on my way to the newsroom (this is when the newsroom was in downtown Linesville) so he could see my outfit. Many who know me will realize that I’m not known for my fashion sense. I mean I don’t wear white after Labor Day and I know how to coordinate attire, etc., but what I mean is I’m not much of a “lady” when it comes to my wardrobe choices. (Yes, Mother is appalled, of course. Also, I learned about this Labor Day and white jazz from her when I was young. I wouldn’t DARE break that rule—unless it’s winter white, of course!)

So, I exited the car wearing a “sharp” looking summer skirt and jacket combo. I even applied a touch of make-up and...are you ready for this....I wore shoes with heels!! As I maneuvered out of the vehicle, Mick stepped onto his porch and said, “OOO Miss Perkins!”

Neither one of us know WHY he said this but I guess I put him in the mind of a “Miss Perkins” type of person? I’m not clear but the nickname has remained—mainly with the chief referring to me as such.

My first advertising campaign was for the fall sports campaign of 2006. (Not sure if I should capitalize fall sports campaign or not but will leave it as is.) So it was actually late August when I began the selling portion of this job description. My column was first published on September 11, 2006, which is a fairly easy date to remember, for obvious reasons.

For the heck of it, I just went back into my folder, which contains EVERY ad I’ve ever sold, and discovered the date for the sports issue. It was August 28, 2006. Guess what else? Our ad rates have only gone up THREE dollars in all this time. I think that is pretty darned good and I’m not just saying it to get you to purchase an ad.

Hmm, now that I ponder, that would be an excellent anniversary gift TO me. Just purchase ads galore from me. It matters not if you don’t own a business, just say YES to the ad!

OK, I’m done being silly—I mean for THIS week, of course. I shall try to fill the future spaces with bits and bobs of memories instead of providing reruns. Keep in mind that I am awfully busy with extracurricular activities this month though so try not to cry if I plunk something from the vault into this space in the near future.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, War is a Racket by General Smedley Butler,