Purple fingernails, brainstorms & pearl clutching

I’m having a hard time conjuring a column and sticking to one talking point so I think I shall just brainstorm right here in print for all to see. As I perch on this couch, a nineteen-year-old Manx kitty named Zoe is poised and ready to walk across my keyboard. Marie the cat has once again, knocked a book off of the footstool where she is currently lounging.

We are rather lucky to still have Zoe in our lives as she got sick recently but was cured with some tender loving care and a trip to Amy the Vet over in Linesville. Amy has some sort of secret concoction that she gives Zoe on occasion that seems to reverse the aging process.

STOP right there as I’m kidding about this. Good gravy; people do take certain things too seriously. She does give her a shot, on occasion, but I don’t think it’s some sort of top-secret anti-aging concoction. Please don’t storm the vet clinic over there and demand that Amy give you the jab, OK?

Moving along, Zoe is really eyeing this keyboard now and she is purring wildly at the same time. I’ve had this cat longer than I’ve “had” Perpetual, for crying out loud. She and Mother are both kind of freaks of nature, and we are all super grateful for this.

Speaking of Mother, she told me to quit biting my nails so I decided to listen to her, for once in my life. I am now typing this piece with these ridiculous long nails. I can’t take it as it leads to some mistakes, etc. I mean they do come in handy for some things but for the most part, it’s a PITA (pain in the arse) to have longer nails. I painted them though! YES, I, Lisa Houserman, did something ladylike—don’t faint.

OK what else comes to mind here? Oh yes, Robert Mueller; who can avoid that goofball? Do people who ride to his defense or claim that he is such an outstanding member of society at large and small, take into consideration his past or not? I didn’t think so.

I mean just a basic computer search will let you know of his dirty deeds of the past, yet a certain segment of society finds him to be their savior because of the big bad orange man with a bad comb-over. Anyone taking HIM to task must suddenly be our best friend, no matter what kind of criminal he/she really is.

Do people think things were going swimmingly and then suddenly when he took office they got worse or something? This Trump Derangement Syndrome has led to some strange “bedfellows” as the saying goes.

I never thought I’d see the day when a group of supposed peace activists would be riding to the defense of this man who LIED us into the Iraq war, along with others, of course. I’m stunned; I’m almost speechless; I’m really in to using these ;;;;.

I find that because people are so used to being divided into teams that when I say something about Donald Trump, I must immediately say, “I DO NOT SUPPORT HILLARY CLINTON!” This is getting out of hand but I will do the following once again for clarity and for new readers.

Since nothing seems to change with foreign policy no matter what puppet is sitting in the oval office (should that be capitalized?), I find that defending a team or voting in general is kind of a waste of time. I am not a part of any sort of political party, although I’m legally registered to vote as a Democrat, to which I switched in order to vote for a particular person last time around. I’m not in a group. I do not join causes because, inevitably, they are infiltrated and also when one joins a “club” or a “cult,” as I like to call this jazz, one is then obligated to defend the indefensible and I REFUSE. This way I can say what the *&^%$ I want about whomever I want since I’m not “in the cult” or “on a team.”

Now that I got that out of the way, I shall continue with whatever on earth I was talking about. (By the by, Zoe actually ended up walking on the keyboard.)

Just listen closely to people in your own lives and you will see what I mean about this “side” stuff. Take note how Aunt Millie will leap, like the FTD man, to the defense of Person X because of the letter by his/her name. Watch Uncle Milton have a break-down when you are critical of his favorite celebrity or politician. It’s unbelievable, it really is.

Guru worship is big in this country and I think we’ve been groomed for it, personally. I think from an early age we are taught about this or that wonderful president, celebrity or so-called hero. Then, when one really digs into backgrounds and researches OBJECTIVELY, it turns out that many are pretty hideous, in one way or the other. Sorry to offend but you might ask yourself why you are so offended? Is it because of the grooming of which I just spoke? Could it be that this silly woman with purple fingernails is on to something here?

Hey, I’ve had to do a ton of soul-searching myself and I tend to follow a pattern when doing so. I will have a visceral reaction to Tidbit A that I might read about or see on a YouTube news channel. At that point I ask myself why I feel the urge to clutch pearls over Tidbit A. Is this a reaction that is based on something I’ve heard my whole life via the mainstream outlets on TV and other venues? Why do I get so upset when Person A is taking Person B to task about Subject X?

I’m no stranger to being wrong about certain things. For just one example, I’ve gone on and on about how delightful Wikileaks and Julian Assange are but had never really looked into the background of that organization or person until relatively recently. I just assumed that Wikileaks and Assange were who and what everyone claimed that they were or are. (Oh dear, I sense people slowly reaching for their pearls...their hands are getting closer and closer....) What I found was that there is more to this situation than meets the eye.

Before you declare me to be totally off my rocker and not partially, I shall give you a resource so you can look this up yourselves. There is more than this one expose as well but I trust you to find all the information that is available. Visit a website called Richplanet.net or, if you prefer a video, type into a YouTube search: Richard D. Hall, Assange. Just keep in mind that REAL whistle-blowers do not get their faces plastered all over the media and are not able to be interviewed by this or that outlet without some serious problems unfolding.

WOW! I really am just brainstorming here and bloviating about whatever floats to the forefront of my cluttered mind. I guess I’ve managed to not only offend the general audience in doing so, but I’ve also discovered that I’ve filled the column space.

I think I’ve caused enough damage for the week and shall now release you from bondage. Not only but Zoe is ready to do some typing of her own and Marie has managed to swipe all of the books off of the foot stool. I best take my leave at this time.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, “Erasing the Liberty; My Battle to Keep Alive the Memory of Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty,” by crew member Phillip F. Tourney)