Stomach vs. respiratory

Rather than bloviate to the max about all of the horrid things unfolding in the world and how terrible the corporate media is, etc. I thought I would come at you wildly with a most pressing issue that needs to be brought to light as soon as humanly possible.

I hope that caught your attention as I always try to hook you early on so that you might read the rest of this blather.

Please pry yourself away from the “Russia-Gate” NONSENSE, which it IS by the way and continue reading this column.

I simply refuse to go over this Russia stuff again. I have written several columns about this, made videos and imparted my knowledge on the subject.

As you know, nothing has really changed. People are still being fooled into thinking that Russia influenced the election or stole the election or “hacked” the DNC or whatever it is they think Russia did. There is NO proof for this, PERIOD. (Also, what exactly DO they mean by “Russia?” Is it governmental officials IN Russia or just average citizens? What is the deal here?)

Therefore, I will not be directing you to VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) or any other group that has examined the download speeds of the files that were supposedly “hacked” by “Russia” and given to Wikileaks.

They discovered that it could not have been a hack and especially from anywhere overseas but traced it to a DOWNLOAD on the east coast of this country.

I will never again explain to you that the corporate media works in conjunction with the establishment to keep people totally confused on the facts of most any matter.

I will not explain that this whole thing is a distraction to keep the focus of the fact that the primary was STOLEN from Bernie Sanders. I refuse to say that this is another reason why they want you to focus on Russia so that you don't discover the election theft scenario.

I will not utter a word about how Israel runs the show here not Russia. I won't explain that President Trump has done nothing to indicate that he is in Russia's pocket politically speaking, unless sanctions AGAINST them count?

YES, I understand that he probably laundered the money of super wealthy Russians but that has not ONE thing to do with the stated intent of the “Mueller Probe.”

Speaking of Mueller, I will not be going on about how horrid he is and what a liar he was proven to be years ago when he pushed the WMD nonsense that took us to yet another war zone.

Since I'm not going to talk about any of that today, I decided that I should alert the public to this instead - so here goes. The flu is not stomach related. There is no such thing as the “stomach flu.”

Well, that's it for the week and you can now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

OK—I'm kidding. I will continue to let you know about the above-mentioned confusion in terms of defining the flu.

There really isn't too much more to say on the subject. The reason why it came to mind at all is I've heard several people claim that they just got over the “stomach flu,” and it started to grate on my nerves.

Also several weeks ago a person, (who used to work at a medical clinic of some sort which should scare you when you read the rest), told me that the flu has nothing to do with respiratory and has everything to do with stomach.

This is TOTALLY the opposite of the actual fact of the matter. Not only but he/she was adamant about this until I gently yet effectively, sent the medical definition of influenza to her/him. At that point, the subject was changed, by the by, and my little definition was never acknowledged. WHY can't people just say, “OOPS sorry, I was wrong?”

My golly I have had to say this a LOT as of late because I've been wrong about a few things. There, I said it!

Some people love to argue even when they are absolutely wrong about a certain topic that is easily debunked. I'm sure you've noticed this lovely human trait?

I'm going to copy and paste something here in closing as really, I simply don't have much to add to this saga.

This is from Michigan State University: “You’ve probably heard the term 'stomach flu' many times, especially during the winter months. Maybe you’ve even used it yourself to describe the misery of diarrhea and vomiting that many suffer from every year. But did you know that there really is no such thing as the 'stomach flu?' The word 'flu' is actually short for influenza, which is a virus that affects the respiratory system. Ironically, most people who get influenza pass it off as the common cold, which is also caused by viruses, but is less severe than influenza. Influenza causes very similar symptoms to the common cold, but is often accompanied by fever and body aches, and while there is no cure for influenza or the common cold...”

I'm back quickly to say that I know this doesn't sound like a major deal but I think it's important to know from what you might be suffering. Years ago I had the flu and called the doctor to ask about that medication that cuts down the suffering time by several days.

I was stunned and rather taken aback when she asked if I was certain it was the flu. She then went on to describe the symptoms to me and emphasized strongly that it is NOT related to anything stomach, period.

I thought that grown people should know this and assured her that indeed I was coughing up a lung, sweating, freezing and generally prepared to meet my maker. She was concerned about prescribing something if indeed it was not a respiratory situation is my point. I got the pill and it did shorten my symptoms, I must say.

I just found it to be odd that grown people wouldn't know what the flu actually is. It's one of those things that drives me to drink so I thought I'd share with you, of course.

I really think I've stretched this out as much as humanly possible and will sign off at this time.

Thanks for reading this and just remember that the stomach flu does NOT exist and any “medical professional” who says it does should be looked at as though he/she has two heads.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler, “The General's Son,” by Miko Peled, AIPAC Lobby)