Changes in the Churches

Welcome! I have lots of Atlantic community news this week.

I’m sorry to report that the annual Fallowfield School Alumni Reunion has been canceled due to concerns about COVID-19. I’ve enjoyed reporting on these reunions for the past twelve years. Everyone always seemed so happy to reminisce with their former classmates.

Adamsville Presbyterian Church plans on reopening on September 13. They will livestream on Facebook, as well.

They have coolers filled with nonperishable food that’s available to anyone in need. The church is open, and the coolers are located at the handicapped-accessible, side entrance to the church. Park in the back parking lot and follow the long wooden sidewalk to the doors. Two blue coolers are inside. The church is located at 3979 Main Street, Adamsville.

Atlantic Community Church is going to try to host movie nights the first Friday of each month at 6 p.m. at the church. The church is located at 3468 Atlantic Road, Atlantic.

Fallowfield United Methodist Church also plans on resuming indoor services starting September 13, while strictly enforcing COVID-19 protocols. These include being seated according to household, which requires arriving 30 to 45 minutes early for worship service.

Masks must be worn at all times in the building, and while waiting in line. If you cannot wear a mask, you may watch the service on Facebook live or listen to it in your car on 97.7 FM between 9 and 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. and noon if you’re within one mile of Fallowfield United Methodist.

Social distancing will be enforced in the sanctuary and while waiting to enter the building.

Sanitizing stations will be available.

As required by the state health department, attendance will be taken as each person enters the church.

Temperature checks will be required. If one family member has a temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, the whole family will be denied entrance.

If you don’t feel well, the church recommends staying home and watching the service online.

Sunday school will be outside the building for the rest of September. They hope to resume Sunday school in the church around October 4, 2020.

Pastor Les Hutchins will offer the first-ever contemporary worship service at Fallowfield on September 13, at 11 a.m.

The number of changes the response to coronavirus forced on Americans is astounding. I have vivid memories of March 13, 2020, from around 7 a.m. until 3 p.m., when the day seemed perfectly normal, except for my trip to Walmart. I’d never seen bare shelves before. Whole sections, and in some case, aisles, were completely empty. I had no idea why. Mercifully, I was able to get everything I needed for the week.

After I unpacked the groceries at home, I got a strange call from the school saying the governor had closed all schools for two weeks. Huh?

I’d heard of coronavirus, of course, but at that point everyone was saying to avoid touching your face, wash your hands a lot, and not shake hands. That’s about it.

And then the schools, colleges, and career centers closed. Then the restaurants and bars. Then all “non-essential” businesses. I’m still unclear as to why state liquor stores are considered essential, but hairdressers are not.

Nearly six months later, local churches are just now reopening their doors under stringent rules. And they will enforce these, I’m sure. It’s interesting to attend church and have our sharing of the peace, which used to include hand shaking and hugs, manifest as waving and smiling from our chairs.

It’s equally interesting to see how many people learned to use Facebook live and Zoom, and how comfortable they are with their new method of worship.

I can’t help remembering Pastor John MacArthur’s congregation in my prayers. After Los Angeles County failed the fourth time to persuade a judge to ban indoor services at John MacArthur’s megachurch, Grace Community Church, the county is now trying to evict the congregation from a parking lot they’ve been using since 1975. Please keep Pastor John MacArthur and his congregation in your prayers.

The church has become a real target. Please keep praying, my friends. Have a wonderful week. Blessings!