Hope for Tomorrow

Welcome! Winter is drawing to a close. We’re less than a month away from the spring equinox. I’m always grateful to see winter’s gloom dissipate.

Don’t get me wrong, winter has its perks. I love gazing at sparkling snow. I don’t miss mowing the lawn or swatting at mosquitoes and deer flies. And cardinals and blue jays look brilliant against a snowy backdrop.

But I long for spring. It’s such a hopeful season. I yearn for outdoor walks, feeling sweet, fresh air blowing my hair back, and the sight of coltsfoot pushing its way through roadsides. Beautiful bluebirds and robins should return within a few weeks, and my pussy willow tree will bloom.

Hope is one of the most important parts of life. My brother always says we need something to look forward to. That’s hope in a nutshell. Without hope, life feels purposeless.

What are you looking forward to in March? Maybe you like St. Patrick’s Day. It can be a fun day, I suppose, if you take it lightly. I don’t appreciate how many people use it as an excuse to get rip-roaring drunk, though. There are far better ways to spend a March evening. Here are some suggestions.

If you like volleyball, junior high volleyball is in full swing in March. There’s a huge tournament at Conneaut Lake Middle School and CASH on March 17, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Last year teams from as far away as Millcreek competed.

Jamestown’s first volleyball match of the season is Monday, March 5, at Jamestown High School. The seventh grade girls won all but two matches last season. If you live in the Atlantic community, Jamestown is only a few minutes away. Hop in your car and come watch an exciting game. There is no admission fee.

You could also attend Calvary United Methodist Church’s Lenten luncheons on Wednesdays. The next one is on February 28 at 11:30 a.m. The church is located at 44 S. Mercer Street, Greenville.

Jamestown Presbyterian has cancelled its Lenten soup dinners because other fund-raising dinners conflict with the Lenten dinners. But they are hosting an adult spelling bee on March 17 at 5:30 p.m. Admission is free and a complimentary dessert bar is included. Contestants are sponsored at $50 per person, and all funds will be donated to the youth group’s Alaska mission trip.

If you’re interested in cooking for the public, Fallowfield United Methodist is hosting a Cooking for Crowds course on March 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. Anyone sells homemade food to the public should take this course. Call Allen and Joyce Jacobs at (814) 382-3124 if you’re interested in taking the class.

We are almost two weeks into Lent, a 40-day period when Christians prepare their hearts for Easter. This is a season of hope for anyone who loves Jesus. I hope you love Jesus, because he’s your peace for today and hope for tomorrow.

Have a wonderful week. Blessings!