Good Choices, Good Life

Welcome! Monday, Feb. 19, is President’s Day. It honors the life of George Washington, born on February 22, 1732, and Abraham Lincoln, born on February 12, 1809, so I think it’s worthwhile to compare two of our greatest presidents and honor their memory.

Washington helped found our country; Lincoln guided it through our nation’s greatest crisis: The Civil War. They shared common experiences. Washington lost his father as a boy of eleven; Lincoln lost his mother when he was nine. Both worked as surveyors. Both were tall: George Washington was 6’2”; Lincoln was 6’4”. Both were brilliant and learned how to move in the highest circles, but neither had much formal education. And both were born to lead. I thank God for these men and their willingness to serve during times of crisis.

I’ve been thinking lately about how critical our choices are. What if Washington or Lincoln declined the presidency? What might have happened if, say, John Adams or Stephen Douglas were president instead of Washington and Lincoln? Or what if, Lord have mercy, Major General George B. McClelland had been elected in 1864? I wonder how differently our country would look now.

I can imagine how my life would’ve turned out had I made different choices. I can envision the hole in my life if I’d earned my doctorate in English instead of having my daughter and son. I can visualize how stressed and lonely I’d be if I’d stayed in the Akron, Ohio, area instead of moving home. I’m thankful I made the choices I did, even on the toughest days.

Last week I heard a song by The Afters on 95.5 THE FISH called “Life Is Beautiful,” from the album by the same name.

At the end of the song, lead singer Joshua Havens lists some of the best parts of life, things that make him feel like life is good. It made me think about what makes me feel happy. These might be things that make you feel better on a tough day, too.

I feel good when I hear the furnace kick on and feel the warmth fill my cozy house. Sunny days make me feel energetic and make me want to achieve more.

A cup of hot lemon ginger tea soothes my jangled nerves. TobyMac’s songs “I Just Need U” and “Move” perk me up.

Savoring Carini’s wedding soup and hot bread makes me feel warm inside. Watching snow fall softly when I know all my loved ones are safe is so relaxing.

I also feel a rush of joy when my church’s sanctuary is full. Seeing soldiers in full dress uniform fills me with pride and admiration.

Swimming in my parents’ pool on a hot day is just plain blissful. I break out in a smile when I watch a baby sleep or kick her chubby little legs. These things always make me feel like life is good.

What would you put on your “Life Is Good” list? Maybe jot down some ideas that might make you smile on a bad day.

Jamestown Presbyterian is hosting Lenten soup dinners on February 24 and March 10 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. It’s a simple meal of soup, bread and cheese. Take out is available. Proceeds benefit the youth trip mission fund.

The youth group is going on a mission trip to Alaska in July. I hope you can come support this worthy cause.

Calvary United Methodist Church in Greenville is hosting Lenten luncheons on Wednesdays again this year. The first is on February 21, at 11:30 a.m.

Fallowfield United Methodist is hosting a Cooking for Crowds course on March 12 from 6 to 9 p.m. Anyone who cooks for the public or sells homemade food to the public should take this course. Call Allen and Joyce Jacobs at (814) 382-3124 if you’re interested in taking the class.

Have a wonderful week. Blessings!