“Always remember, Georgie, the Good you do comes back to you.”

Yes, Mom, I have tried all my Life to ALWAYS remember what you taught me all those many years ago. AND…as I have grown and experienced many locations and an innumerable number of persons, I can MORE than verify the Truth in what you said.


As many folks know, and can remember through a previous article of mine, in early July of 2018, I suffered several massive health issues…two of which marked me as “deceased.” As incredible as it seems, I was “brought back” both times through the efforts a many prominent physicians, and an incredible number of medical assistants and staff members.

After several weeks, I was deemed capable of being transferred to an area rehab facility, where I spent several additional weeks. Finally, I went home!

Throughout the moments, days, weeks, months, and nearly two years which have followed my initial experience, I have, on many, many occasions, taken the opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to EACH individual who participate in my “Rebirth”….in fact, in my Heart and Sprit, every one of these persons ranks as a true ANGEL.

HOWEVER…there is one individual to whom I have NOT expressed my deepest gratitude and appreciation for his role of assistance he has played in my Life…both before, during, and even NOW.

Awakening in an ICU Unit, with an open incision running from the top of one’s chest down the length of one’s abdomen is an experience NOT to be forgotten…nor, are all the revelations of what has occurred to one’s self. The survival has been termed “Miraculous.”

Yet, each moment of “stepping forward” along the Journey is very, very difficult. Moments and days of turmoil and isolation can, and DO, have a negative impact.

Then, after LOONNGGG anticipation, the day arrives upon which you are transported home once again…to the land upon which you and your wife built their Dream…home to your beloved Spouse…home to another Family Member anxiously awaiting your arrival.


There he was..lying on the front porch, soaking-in the afternoon breezes. His eyes wide as the birds soared in the trees and clouds overhead. His long nose sniffing the aromas of that late Summer day. Then his head quickly arose…his huge ears perked to hear the vehicle approaching the gravel driveway. He jumped to his feet…his long tail whisking rapidly from side to side…a loud bark emanating from his throat. He could hardly be refrained once the vehicle stopped in front of the porch steps and its driver exited around to assist the passenger from his seat of repose.

As the healing passenger approached the porch, and with great assistance managed to climb the steps, “my Boy” laid his full length down on his side, all the time whining with pleasure, his tail smacking the porch boards with “rock & roll” rhythm. DADDY WAS HOME!!!! YAYY!!!!

Carolyn carefully permitted “my Boy” to rise to meet me. As he approached, HOBBES’ lengthy tongue seemed to caress every inch of my body…it seemed as if he was nearly shedding tears of Joy, which would exactly match those of mine running down my cheeks.

Eventually, we three made it into the house. AND..then, the TRUE healing began.


I had agreed to the arrival of Hobbes into our Lives nearly six years prior to my “events,” as a “present” to my wife. Although I was MORE than initially hesitant, we made an appointment with a regional breeder of German Shepherds to view the members of her recently arrived litter.

We arrived at her and her husband’s rural abode, and proceeded to follow her downstairs to the “litter” area. WHOAA!!! What a brood of pups! They were all running around in the litter area, buzzing, squeaking, challenging each other as only puppies can do, and begging for treats.

But, one of these cute “guys” had something else totally in mind. As I bent over the restraining “fence” of the litter area, this little fella approached ME! Stood on his hind legs, pawed the fence, and spoke to me!! I sought permission to pick him up. I DID! He snuggled into my arms, and gave me a “kiss” I will never forget! Our Lives were, from that very moment, bound to one another for all Eternity.

A few weeks later, he traveled home with Carolyn and myself.

His name was immediately apparent. I (WE?) named him after one of the most faithful “sidekicks” we knew: HOBBES…named after the tiger from the beloved comic strip, “Calvin and Hobbes.”


To say that my existence was COMPLETELY altered from the moment Hobbes arrived, would be the HUGEST understatement! In many, many ways, we became ONE.

When I stepped onto the porch that September afternoon in the late Summer of 2018. My healing TRULY began. My Spirit, which had been in restraint for months, began to awaken. Every night, Hobbes would sleep beneath the foot of my bed. Every morning, he would awaken me with a “kiss.” His innumerable GSD hairs he shed, once again infused themselves into EVERYTHING!!!

And, slowly, at first, my health strengthened…my Spirit soared…and, I was TRULY ALIVE!!!


Christmas has for us, as it has for most folks, always been a Time for Joy and Celebration. As this past Christmas approached, it held, for our Family, the possibility of impending grief and despair.

Hobbes has, for the past several years, been the victim of increasing physical disabilities. His skin has been the host of numerous patches of infection and hair loss. He has experienced periods of severe loss of appetite and physical ability…to the point of awakening and moving only briefly throughout the day & night. His eyes glossed-over…his Joy seemed totally gone. Of course, whenever I would hold him in my arms, he would always try to give me a “kiss.” But, as the Winter Season developed his problems seemed to multiply without end.

Throughout all these years of problems, we visited several veterinary establishments throughout the region in hopes of solving Hobbes’ physical disabilities. In EVERY venue, Hobbes was “passed-off” from one veterinarian to another. NOBODY could deal with his diseases. NOBODY could diagnose his problems. NOBODY could prescribe any worthwhile prescriptions to help alleviate his pain.

As Christmas approached, we became obsessed with providing Hobbes with the BEST possible solution to his pain…even if it necessitated losing him in this Life.

In desperation, we contacted a dear Friend who has VERY satisfactory experiences with a local veterinarian hospital. This person suggested that we forgo all previous attempts, and contact Dr. CONSLA, located at the CONNEAUT LAKE VETERINARY HOSPITAL.

Although my hopes for Hobbes were slim, at best, we made an appointment with Dr. Consla.

Upon arrival, it was immediately obvious that this physician was “special.” He treated Hobbes like a sweet child…and, us like Hobbes’ “loving parents.” He catered right up to Hobbes…caressed him…showed him Love and professionalism. After a while, Dr. Consla explained completely to Carolyn and myself what he diagnosed as Hobbes’ difficulties. Prescribed medication, and wrote a referral for Hobbes to visit the Veterinary Dermatological Hospital, located in Pittsburgh. We agreed.

Less than a few days later, Hobbes DID visit the Pittsburgh venue, and was seen by Dr. Seargeant at the facility. Blood samples were taken, diagnosis explained, and additional medications prescribed.


Hobbes’ eyes were CLEAR! His energy was obviously returning! His appetite was back! And the Love he displayed…WELL…

Today, Hobbes is MORE than 10,000% improved!!!! My “BOY” is back again!!!


Yes, my Mom was MORE than exact in her teaching: “The Good you do comes back to you.”

The LOVE which Hobbes gave to me to forward my rehabilitation, was returned MULTIFOLD!

The LOVE which Dr. Consla, the CLVH, and Dr. Seargeant in Pittsburgh is hereby returned to EACH OF THEM…by Hobbes, Carolyn…and, MYSELF!!!

Without the Love expressed to me, I doubt that I would be Alive.

Without the Love expressed to Hobbes…well…….

Oh yeah, all right

Are you going to be in my dreams


And in the end

The love you take

Is equal to the love you make


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nowack german shepard dog