Blue vs. purple & other mind games

This will hopefully be the last time that I “come at you wildly” in the online “only” format. In other words, we are going to print again in the next paper. People across the land have expressed their delight over this development.

Before I launch into link dropping madly, I wanted to give a shout-out, so to speak, to my Manx cat Zoe, who will turn 20 on June 20. She and Mother are both freaks of nature and we are thrilled to still have them “with us,” for lack of a more tactful way of putting it.

I will possibly acknowledge this when we make our big comeback next week. I’m nothing if not redundant, in case you have forgotten.

Speaking of which, it has come to my attention that some of you have not been accessing this column online. First of all, shame on you. Second of all, I was just kidding about the first of all portion. You won’t even see it since you are not reading this at all right now! That just occurred to me.

Moving along, because of the above-mentioned jazz, I am going to salt and pepper my print return with some of the columns that were penned by the now famous “NFBOW.” (This means “Nameless, Faceless, Business Owners of the Week” for those who are late to the game.) I think their words still need a platform and I’m here to loan it.

As I mentioned earlier on, I’m going to provide some links this week pertaining to the mask madness, germ theory and other items that might be of interest to you. Since we are online currently, it should be easier for you to head over to the particular articles, etc.

The time for remaining silent about certain topics has whipped by us with speed and agility. I feel that I should do my very best to at least provide some information that is NOT permitted in or on any mainstream outlet. (Follow the money, ladies and gents.)

I think that covers it for the week. I shall now drop links like a madwoman.

This first one is a YouTube video from a gal who goes by “The Healthy American.” I will also provide a link to her website. Her focus in this video is the insane mask “rules.”

This takes you to the “mask” section of her website:

Before I provide more links, I want to play a thought game. Let’s pretend that for decades you have been promoting the idea that wearing a blue shirt is good for you in all ways. Blue shirts are the key to success, health and a general sense of well being. The public has bought into this as well because you have been heavily promoted on corporate and alternative media outlets. You have poured every sense of your being into the blue shirt scenario including, but not limited to, writing books, giving lectures, being a part of studies, taking part in documentaries, etc.

One day you are introduced to some information, which is backed up by many people who also used to promote the blue shirt scenario, showing that it’s not blue shirts but rather purple shirts that are the “real deal.” Are you likely or unlikely to ditch your life’s work in order to embrace what is clearly and empirically proven by others in your field?

Just think about that goofy example for a bit and hopefully it will eventually make some sense.

Links: Virus Mania Foreword by Dr. Etienne de Harven (2008)

Video - 150 U.S. Public Health Service Experiments from 1919 prove that disease is not transmittable

Article – “You cannot Catch Bugs, Pasteur Debunked”

Article - “Doctors refuting the Germ Theory” - By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D :

I think that should keep you busy for a bit. Remember, the purple shirts have plenty of evidence supporting them but the evidence is not presented or permitted in any mainstream or alternative outlets. You must search for it with an open and receptive mind. (Again, follow the money.)

THE END ( “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler, )