The “Janet Game” in print

This week I’m going to put one of my birthday “shows” into print, as I’ve been known to do in the past. This particular birthday gal is (or was) Janet Applegate, who was born on June 16, 1955. Actually, she still IS Janet Applegate, it’s just that her birthday has passed so that’s why I used that odd sentence above.

For those who have done this before, you know the drill. Newcomers: I will provide the answers at the end; I do request that you do not cheat, please. Also, things associated with her hobbies are used to conjure the questions, as well as various trivia/history associated with both June 16 and 1955. Let us begin.

One: Janet went to college in order to assist this kind of professional in the health field. Most of these types focus on the overall well being of patients including diet, the body’s ability to heal itself and other alternative methods. They use something for which a particular presidential candidate has become infamous, in order to do their “THANG.”

Two: The birthday gal lives for Frank Zappa so here goes: On the Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention album called “Just Another Band from LA,” one entire side of the album is dedicated to Billy the Mountain and his stunning wife Ethel. What is Ethel?

Three: On June 16, 1903, this company was formed. It’s not the REAL THING according to many.

Four: On June 16, 1909, this person made his professional baseball pitching debut which would eventually lead to his Olympic medals being forfeited. There is a town in PA named for him.

Five: Many people need an attitude ONE OF THESE but others simply go to the chiropractor for one.

Six: ___________ Rogers Nelson was an American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, dancer, actor and filmmaker. With a career spanning four decades, he was known for his eclectic work, flamboyant stage presence, extravagant fashion sense, and wide vocal range. Plus, our birthday woman is madly in love with him.

Seven: Bernie Sanders says we need a political one of these but Prince actually assembled his back in 1979. Over the years a variety of members took part.

Eight: This city is larger than its twin and is heavily associated with the man in purple for whom Janet lives. Mary Tyler Moore comes to mind as well.

Nine: If a woman wants to be totally natural in terms of bringing a new life into the world, she might call on Janet or someone similar as she would need one of these to aid her at home or in another comfortable region. Janet was one of these for about a decade.

Ten: Doulas and Midwives are both known for terrific birthing results, so to speak, plus the need to have one of these is greatly reduced when one utilizes of one of the above-mentioned.

Eleven: This person is known for developing the chiropractic method. He is NOT associated with Emerson or Lake though.

Twelve: According to one of Janet’s favorite groups YES, in the song “Roundabout,” what comes out of the sky and stands there?

Thirteen: This fave group of Janet’s, which performed at Woodstock, morphed from a rather ordinary mode of transport for long distances, to a more space based object.

Fourteen: Janet has visited this place, which was a military outpost in the Pacific until it joined 49 “brothers and sisters” later, against its will, basically. There is a movement currently by the natives of this land for sovereignty.

Fifteen: In 2010 something hideous happened to Janet and she almost did THIS but she didn’t do IT or we wouldn’t be celebrating her right now.

Sixteen: This European city has more bridges than Venice, possibly due to the fact that there are 165 canals. Janet has visited here as well.

Seventeen: Across the pond: Ruth Ellis made history in England in 1955 when this happened to her at Holloway Prison. She was the LAST woman to suffer this fate.

Eighteen: After moving to a new town, a trouble-making teen is supposed to have a clean slate, although being the new kid in town brings its own problems. While searching for some stability, he forms a bond with a disturbed classmate and falls for a local girl. However, she is the girlfriend of a neighborhood tough guy. When the boyfriend violently confronts him and challenges him to a drag race, the new kid’s real troubles begin. What 1955 movie am I describing? The star died at a very young age which broke the hearts of many a woman and man, probably.

Nineteen: Across the pond: In 1955, due to a Fleet Street strike by maintenance workers, these were not printed for one month.

Twenty: This refers to a region of the world where many islands are positioned in close proximity. To be more specific, the countries in this part of the world are situated in a particular body of water that splits the Atlantic Ocean in two. The continent of Africa lies to the east of this. The region extends as far west as Central America. Janet has vacationed here.

That shall do it for the week. I hope you had a good time and answered all of the questions correctly.


One, Chiropractor. Two, A tree, “Billy was a mountain, Ethel was a tree growing off of his shoulder. Three, Pepsi Cola.

Four, Jim Thorpe, more information: American athlete and Olympic gold medalist. A member of the Sac and Fox Nation, Thorpe became the first Native American to win a gold medal for the United States. Considered one of the most versatile athletes of modern sports, he won Olympic gold medals in the 1912 pentathlon and decathlon, and played American football (collegiate and professional), professional baseball, and basketball.

He lost his Olympic titles after it was found he had been paid for playing two seasons of semi-professional baseball before competing in the Olympics, thus violating the amateurism rules that were then in place. In 1983, 30 years after his death, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) restored his Olympic medals.

Five, Adjustment. Six, Prince.

Seven, Revolution. Prince and the Revolution. Eight, Minneapolis Minnesota more info: Minneapolis lies on both banks of the Mississippi River, just north of the river’s confluence with the Minnesota River, and adjoins Saint Paul, the state’s capital. The city is abundantly rich in water, with 13 lakes, wetlands, the Mississippi River, creeks and waterfalls; many connected by parkways in the Chain of Lakes and the Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway. It was once the world’s flour milling capital and a hub for timber.

Nine, Midwife. Ten, C-Section/Cesarean.

Eleven, Palmer More info: Daniel David Palmer was prolific reader of all things scientific and realized that although various forms of manipulation had been used for hundreds if not thousands of years, no one had developed a philosophical or scientific rationale to explain their effects. Palmer’s major contribution to the health field was therefore the codification of the philosophy, art and science of chiropractic which was based on his extensive study of anatomy and physiology.

Twelve, Mountains. Thirteen, Jefferson Starship or Jefferson Airplane.

Fourteen, Hawaii more info: On Jan. 17, 1893, Hawaii’s monarchy was overthrown when a group of businessmen and sugar planters forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate. The coup led to the dissolving of the Kingdom of Hawaii two years later, its annexation as a U.S. territory and eventual admission as the 50th state in the union.

Fifteen, Died/passed away/crossed over/whatever.

Sixteen, Amsterdam More info: There are only 409 bridges connecting Venice’s canals. Amsterdam actually has 1281 bridges. That’s three times as many as Venice!

Seventeen, Execution/Hanged/Was Killed/Etc.

Eighteen, Rebel Without a Cause.

Nineteen, British Newspapers/Newspapers/Papers/Daily rag. Twenty, Caribbean.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler,