This week I'm going to provide you with a brand new game that was launched in the lounge just a couple weeks ago. For those new to this column, “the lounge” relates to my YouTube channel which has “Lounging with Lisa” in the title.

I based this on the TV game show called Family Feud but we called it “Lounger Feud.”

Keep in mind I refrained from jumping up and down and saying, “good answer” throughout the course of the game on that particular day. That TV show cracks me up because a family member could give the DUMBEST answer ever and the rest of the family yells out, “GOOD ANSWER,” whilst leaping up and down and clapping.

I mean the question could be something like name a famous island. The family member could say “North Dakota,” and would STILL be met with enthusiastic screams of “GOOD ANSWER,” even though, let's face it, it's a HIDEOUS answer.

I had a panel and everything for this. It was really fun to gather with my panelists and include them in the “survey said” portion. They are a secret panel to boot; I had to pick ones who do not partake in the live gigs but usually watch after the fact. I will only divulge one of the panelists. Can you guess? OK, it's Mother!

Moving along, at the end of this I will supply the answers, as is my nature. I will also supply the other answers (that were not number one) in parenthesis. During the actual show on YouTube, I didn't get through all of these so you just might be treated (?) to ones that haven't been in play at all. Isn't that special?

Remember, when you are answering these you have to jot down the first thing that comes to mind. I will trust you to time yourselves.

OK, I'm finally going to get started here. (You might want to seize a piece of paper and a writing implement of some sort.)

One: Name something you take camping. Two: Name a TV detective from any era.

Three: Name a Bette Davis movie. Four: Name an army general from any era.

Five: Name a Beatles song. Six: Name an ingredient used in baking. Seven: Name an ingredient used in spaghetti sauce.

Eight: Name a musical instrument used in Jazz. Nine: Name a classic rock group.

Ten: Name something you might sneak into a movie theater. Eleven: What was a popular movie from the 1970s?

Twelve: Name a brand of shoes. Thirteen: What might a young person take to the prom?

Fourteen: Name a food you might find at a wedding reception. Fifteen: What is something you'd find in an office supply store?

Sixteen: Name a famous dog. Seventeen: Other than a cell phone, name something you'd want to have with you if you were stranded on the roadside.

Eighteen: Where might one recite the Pledge of Allegiance? Nineteen: Name a famous TV mom.

Twenty: Name a TV show with a theme song most people know. Twenty One: Name a brand of gum. Twenty Two: Name a brand of cigarettes.

Twenty Three: Name something you'd find on a speed boat. Twenty Four: Name something made of plastic. Twenty Five: Name one of Frank Zappa's children.

That's all for the week. I hope your answers line up with the panelist's answers so I can cheer, “GOOD ANSWER,” wildly!!

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC – this has been in the news as of late and it's very important to look at the influence this lobby has with our governmental officials, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler, “Erasing the Liberty, My Battle to Keep Alive the Memory of Israel's Attack on the USS Liberty,” by Phillip F. Tourney – member of the crew)

Answers: One, Light/Flashlight (other answers were marshmallows, tent and food). Two, Columbo was number one with Rockford coming in as well.

Three, “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane,” was the only answer given by the panel. Four, Eisenhower (Patton and Colin Powell were also answers but not number one).

Five, Help (Let it Be and Yellow Submarine). Six, Flour (sugar). Seven, Tomatoes.

Eight, Trumpet (sax). Nine, Beatles (Boston, Led Zeppelin).

Ten, Candy (food). Eleven, Godfather (The Sting, Close Encounters, The Chase).

Twelve, Nike (Timberland, New Balance). Thirteen, A Date (corsage, money).

Fourteen, Cake (mints, chicken, steak). Fifteen, Paper (paper clips, printer ink).

Sixteen, Lassie (Rin Tin Tin). Seventeen, Flashlight (blanket, water, matches).

Eighteen, School (ceremony for new citizens, municipal meeting/governmental meeting). Nineteen, Mrs. “C” Cunningham from Happy Days (Carol Brady of the Brady Bunch; Lucy; June Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver).

Twenty, Gilligan's Island (Brady Bunch, Dukes of Hazard, Jefferson's, M*A*S*H). Twenty One, Wrigley's (Trident, Chiclets, Juicy Fruit). Twenty Two: Marlboro (Camel).

Twenty Three, Life Jacket/Coat/Preserver (ropes, motor, steering wheel). Twenty Four: Cup (bottle, milk jug, shower cap). Twenty Five: Moon Unit (Dweezil).