Pelosi is many things but a socialist she ain't

I have an idea that might help society to function in a more kind and loving manner. I'm going to share it with you soon but first I must reiterate a few things so I'm not accused of being this, that or the other—especially not “the other” as that is a real insult.

I am not a member of any group, political party or club. I supposed if you pinned me down I might admit to being a human being, even though sometimes that is up for debate. I just need to clarify this because I've found that when I say something that someone doesn't like to hear, that someone might mistakenly think I am saying that something in order to defend a certain person, political candidate or group. We have been groomed to think that if a person is critical of Subject X, then he/she must support Subject Y. (Wow, that was confusing. I will try to do better.)

Call me crazy (I didn't mean that to be taken so seriously) but I feel it's necessary to actually know the definition of certain terms BEFORE we freak out collectively over said terms. Does this make any sense? I didn't think so but allow me to continue.

I am now going to inch forward with the thought of the day. I was doing something that I actually gave up a bit ago the other day and was stunned by what I was seeing. Don't panic, I was only looking at Facebook—nothing too evil involved there. I had given up perusing Facebook for some time but found it appropriate to go over in order to read the plethora of birthday wishes that appeared on my time line. I was so honored to have all of those birthday wishes and I thank any of you who might have taken part in wishing me well.

I might not really like the Facebook “wall” anymore but I was raised by Mother and she would be appalled if she learned that I simply ignored all the well-wishers.

Anyhow, I found myself checking out the wall and reading what this or that person had to say on various topics when suddenly, I ran across something so ridiculous that I thought I'd more or less build a column around it.

I read with shock and dismay a post that went something like this: “People should support President Trump and stop Nancy Pelosi's SOCIALIST agenda from going forward.” YES, you read that right. Some people think Nancy Pelosi, of all creatures, is some sort of socialist!! Can you dig this?

Honestly, I cannot get over the misconceptions over this word but then again, I do realize that from birth we have all been marinating in all things capitalism. Even those with degrees in economics will tell you that reading anything about the criticisms of capitalism, by Karl Marx for one example, was simply not required.

Although this can be explained in a more detailed fashion by people like Professor Richard D. Wolff, for one example, it's also pretty simply explained by a non expert like myself. Anyone who is for the status quo in terms of staying with capitalism is in NO way, shape or form a socialist—not even Bernie Sanders. In fact, I kind of blame him and a few others for the confusion about what socialism really means.

It would have been more honest and correct of Bernie and others to simply say that they were, or are, FDR Democrats. After all, FDR pretty much bragged that he saved capitalism. Of course at the time and to this day people FREAK out and confuse expanding social programs with actual socialism. I can't be too judgmental because heck, I didn't know the real story up until a few years ago either. I too was brainwashed into clutching pearls over the word “socialist” or “socialism.” So, I did something wild and crazy and actually found out about socialism from friends in real life and online who embrace that particular ECONOMIC policy. See, that's all it is really. All of this talk about “Cultural Marxism” and other frightening sayings are just that—talk.

I learned that socialists have run for president here in this country and also were instrumental in our labor laws that saw a 40 hour work week and more safety measures, etc. I learned that Eugene V. Debs ran for president several times, one of which was from behind bars. He managed to get a million votes that time, if memory serves.

Debs was in jail for protesting against World War I, in case you were wondering. Also I learned that there has always been a concerted effort to squash the socialist movement by any means necessary. Even recently a former three letter agency person (either FBI or CIA) was on corporate media ADMITTING to how his agency was to stop that movement at all costs including infiltrating it. (When I say movement I mean anti-war, civil rights, worker rights, etc., which were oft' led by socialist type people.)

Returning to Nancy Pelosi for a moment if we must; when I read that some people actually believe that SHE has a socialist agenda, I couldn't help but feel torn between hysterical laughter and ire. Pelosi has said in town hall type environments that we are capitalists and will remain that way.

There are several good people out there who can explain the big frightening world of socialism in a much more educated manner than I. I will put a few of their names in this space toward the end of the piece, which is coming up soon—stop cheering.

The reason why I don't define myself as anything is because I really don't fit into a party or group. It's easier for me to say what I'm not, rather than to say what I am. I would call myself an anti-imperialist, anti-war, anti runaway corporatism (being subsidized by your tax dollars, mind you), anti-poverty, pro equality, etc. I also think our whole system is horribly corrupt and needs an overhaul. This cannot be done inside of the two-party duopoly system that is currently in place. I honestly feel that the government and extensions thereof, are exactly the same as organized crime. Why would I vote for the new Godfather of the Gugilinni Crime Family? So, for these same reasons, I don't put faith in voting for a mob leader. (I made up the name Gugilinni.)

I think it's sort of funny to see how terrified people are of learning about a new economic system. I mean run-away capitalism has served us so well after all. Yes, sarcasm was intended. It appears that some are totally OK with Wall Street “banksters” working hand in hand with the CIA to overthrow this or that government all in the name of natural resources. However, if one mentions the S word, people freak out. It's almost like they are fine with all things associated with delightful capitalism! Can you understand why this is so odd to me? Well if not, just fake it and say yes.

In closing, here are some people you can look up on that fancy machine called a computer: Professor Richard D. Wolf of Democracy at Work; Caleb Maupin of RT and YouTube fame and Michael Parenti, who is a well-known author, lecturer and socialist. I promise, there is nothing to fear. Please look into this and save yourself the humiliation of being laughed at wildly when you declare Pelosi to be a socialist. Oh my goodness, I'm cracking up again just typing it!

I'm also going to put the official definitions of socialism and capitalism here for your pleasure, or pain.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC Lobby, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler)