Whatever floated to the forefront

This week I decided to simply type out whatever floated to the forefront of my cluttered yet active mind. The following does not necessarily represent the opinion of the paper, area citizens or humanity at large, or small.

Here we are together again and during the holiday season to boot! Speaking of “holiday season” stuff, I have found that I've become almost frightened to say “Happy Holidays” for fear of some major repercussions. I may have touched on this last year but I cannot remember for certain so I will go on about it for a bit until my thoughts switch abruptly to other topics. WOW, that was quite a statement.

In all seriousness—for once in my life—I have ALWAYS said “Happy Holidays” but now almost hesitate to do so. I've been met with absolute pearl clutching from some who DEMAND that I say, “Merry Christmas” instead. Might I ask, are there maybe more important issues on which to focus during this season of joy?

Hmm, I'd say so but some snowflakes simply insist that we say or do things their way, or it's the highway. I shall continue to use my almost outlawed greeting for this time of year, so there.

Moving along to something else that has been weighing heavily on my mind for a bit; why is there some sort of tradition now that when some former governmental “authority” dies, he/she automatically becomes a bastion of truth, justice and the American way?

It seems like no matter what the ACTUAL record of said person is, all the fake media unites behind this idea that he/she was the best thing to happen since sliced bread. This is when the bipartisan c*** comes into play as well. George Carlin used to say to beware of anything done on a bipartisan level because it's mainly carried out to *&^%$ the average person and not to help in any manner. I tend to agree with Mr. C. more and more each day.

As you know I gave up all mainstream media several years ago—by mainstream I also include “Faux Gnews.” They are totally brilliant over there at Faux because their biggest accomplishment has been to convince a “yuge” swath of humanity that they are NOT mainstream! It's totally wild, is it not?

The owner is a billionaire many times over, for crying out loud. When is the last time a billionaire had your best interests at heart? All of the “establishment” media comes together under the same umbrella when it's time to lie us into war, elevate a war criminal or to applaud a recent bombing that was carried out in our name. It brings to mind a Norman Rockwell portrait.

Sticking with death for a bit since I'm so cranky today, what is the story with this whole tradition of not speaking ill of the dead? They are dead, for crying in a bucket, so how would it offend them in any manner? I know, I know, it's the family we have to coddle and love during these times and not the deceased person.

I wonder if anyone gave a thought to the tens of thousands or millions of families that were affected due to the polices of the dead person? Invading other countries on the basis of lies comes to mind. How many families were torn apart due to this? (Just in case you are trying to figure out of whom I speak, well, I think you can gather without my spoon feeding you. Right?)

My son turned to me ages ago and said something that really got me to thinking, which can be frightening, I know. He said that we, as a society, need to ask ourselves if American lives are any more precious than those of human beings who live in another country. Think about that for a bit if you will and even if you won't.

I do appear to be rude today but I have good reason to be. The whole love-fest for dead presidents who are suddenly saints is making me a tad nauseated.

This was also true when another man (who never saw a war he didn't love) died recently. No names will be mentioned in this column because I don't want to offend the snowflakes who seem to freak out if anyone says a word against “their side.” This is especially true when it comes to a dead and buried member of “their side.”

Both “sides” are totally guilty of this jazz. You should know by now that I don't pick ANY of the bogus sides as they all seem to be A-OK with funding the war machine. Not to mention, but I will, they ALL join together to honor those who were HIDEOUS creatures in real life only because, hey, he didn't like Donald Trump. There is NO consistency in this day and age, all under the sickness of hating Donald Trump and embracing all who agree with your assessment—no matter WHAT the real record of their life was! I am truly wound up today because I have utilized a few of these: !!! in this piece.

What is that saying about the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some such? I think that is unfolding here in real time. People who would have never dreamed of mourning the loss of the two recent dead men have suddenly become their biggest fans. We hear of fawning memorials being spoken about them as if they were somehow fabulous in all they did. This is disgusting to the max. Does anyone stick to principles these days?

I also have seen this in every day life when a person passes on and suddenly he/she is sainted. My own father died abruptly and without fair warning in 1991 and I loved him dearly. However, he was NOT a saint at all, PERIOD end of story. He had his issues like we all do. Isn't it more healthy to be honest about this jazz and stop fooling ourselves? Hmm, food for thought.

I'm trying to find something uplifting in terms of winding this down for the week. Once again I ask you to stop that rapid exhaling as it has led to cats becoming airborne.

It is now about 30 minutes since I wrote that last sentence and I can end on an up note. The Child came over here just as the snow started to whip through the air causing almost white-out conditions. Here, his vehicle was dead in the garage of Mother and he needed trusty Edna (my van) for jump-starting purposes. I pulled on 87 layers of clothing and assisted him with this epic task.

On the way over he told me that he and “The Child's Woman,” (Katie), would be accepting a job in Montana and will exit stage left around the 27th of this month. I LIVE for the idea of Montana and have always wanted to visit there. At this point I'm thinking that many of you would be delighted to see me go. Hey, I speak what's on my mind and believe me, as Prez T would say, I hold back a LOT as to not offend the masses.

With that, I'm off to finish this deadline whilst I dream of moving to Montana in order to be a dental floss tycoon—think Frank Zappa.

THE END. (Interstate Crosscheck, “War is a Racket,” by General Smedley Butler, “Addicted to War,” Why the US can't kick Militarism by Joel Andreas, AIPAC lobby)