Parking scandal in small town US of A

I couldn't help but take note of a local “scandal” that is brewing right here in the delightfully charming hamlet of Conneaut Lake, PA, population 700—give or take.

I found out about this via the thorough report in this very paper by our dear roving reporter Roseanne. She is the Conneaut Lake Borough Council go-to-gal, in terms of getting the scoop.

I used to cover that meeting years ago but when I started to have some health issues Roseanne was kind enough to take over for me. In my view she does an excellent job keeping the area citizens informed about what is going on under their noses.

Moving along and before I totally get out of hand, I must remind you that this is an OPINION column. However, said OPINION is based on facts or as close to the facts as I can get.

What would be the point of moaning on incessantly about issues which are not fact based? I guess I'd have to ask those at FAUX News about that. Not just FAUX but mainly all corporate media outlets. Yes, yes, even ABC and MSNBC—especially MSDNC now that I ponder.

Inching forward, just in case you are not aware of what is happening, they are putting in new sidewalks and burying electric lines, etc., in C.L.

The plan has called for parking to remain the same as it has been for decades, which means it would continue to be on the north and south sides of Water Street.

This sort of thing was in the “just talking” stages back in the day when I used to cover the borough meetings. In terms of council, after being presented with plans REPEATEDLY that clearly showed the parking remaining the same, suddenly it became a matter of “safety concerns” at the last governmental gathering. That resulted in a vote being taken with four council members on board with eliminating the south-side parking scenario and three being against eliminating it.

I confess that I am shocked and dismayed that anyone on the borough council would vote in favor of this eleventh hour change but evidently four of them did. I'm not so sure what part of this sounds legit to you but to me it sounds sneaky and underhanded.

Sorry but this is how I see it. Maybe you don't agree with me but at least consider how people were bamboozled by being told one thing and then at the last second, being told something entirely different.

Mind you, this sort of change is nothing but detrimental to business owners on ALL sides of a street. People like convenience and will cut any corner, no pun, to get that convenience. Some might not even stop in town if they have to fistfight for a spot in which to park their vehicles.

Supposedly all of the shops were contacted about this BRAND NEW parking situation. Hmm, I know for an absolute FACT that this is not the case. Some were not approached and told of this change. (I do hope they join as one angry mob and are present at the next meeting, I really do.)

Some of the reasons I read and saw (on the Erie telly news) were that the businesses on the south side of the street (which is the side with the future of no parking) are closed anyway so what's the difference? Oh my goodness, did you know that people actually park ACROSS the street from a business (and on a regular basis too) if said business is located on the main drag of a town? I'm just checking because it seems like some people are not aware that this indeed happens and has for years. I know it's super odd but if a person is unable to get a parking spot in front of Area X, they will next check for a spot on the other side of the region. After finding a place, they exit the vehicle, look both ways and saunter across the street! This is crazy and kooky stuff isn't it? I mean people walk across the streets and daily—how wild can they get?

Do you see why some people are skeptical and have been for eons, about certain plans to “beautify” a town? I certainly do. I understand that some people think that if lines are buried that suddenly people will flock to the little hamlet and things will be booming once again. That should be interesting when those tourists discover that they have no place to park.

Honestly, I am really flabbergasted over the chutzpah of some people involved in this project. This seems super wrong on all levels. It's hard enough for a little shop like the ones in town to stay in business due to the big box stores like Walmart, for example, taking over communities. You'd think that groups who supposedly have the community's best interest at heart would be the first to do everything in their power to not only make the town look appealing but to KEEP the businesses open as well.

I'm too stunned to continue along with this column and really, what else can be said on the matter? I will reiterate that it would be in the best interest of ALL involved (and not just this committee that has spearheaded this effort), to go to the next council meeting. Hang on and I will find that date for you right now. I'm back. It will take place on Wednesday, July 11, at 7 pm in the town hall on High Street.

Whew! I'm done—oops I mean: THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler).