Multitask rant

This week I wasn't sure what to pen due to the fact that there are many things on my mind. Therefore I've decided to just start typing and see what might unfold. I have a feeling that it will be filled with total joy.

Have you noticed that simply asking legitimate questions about any given event that unfolds has become all but illegal? We are reaching a point where simply questioning the corporate media narrative (which is also the state sponsored story) has many being labeled as “conspiracy theorists” and I'm here to complain about it, of course.

First of all anytime someone calls another person a “conspiracy theorist,” the CIA laughs in a sinister manner—possibly in the tradition of Vincent Price when he did horror movies. The reason why is because THEY coined the terms back in the late 60s in order to marginalize anyone questioning the official report on the JFK murder. Kudos to everyone for going along with that term. The CIA loves you for it.

There have been channels REMOVED from YouTube for simply pointing out inconsistencies in various recent stories. People who have literally used corporate media to debunk corporate media have been punished on YouTube. What I mean by that is there are several who have shown things that appeared on the TV media and in police reports and have faced repercussions for doing so. Contrary to what Faux News might say, this is not strictly against conservatives either as many progressives have been “timed out” as well. We must keep in mind that Google is the owner of YouTube and both are HUGE corporations and are a part of the establishment.

Speaking of the CIA, I've noticed a trend as of late that has me puzzled. Back in the olden days a certain anti-war-type-segment of society used to be very distrustful of that three letter group and of the government in general. These days that same group, or the modern version, all but worships said agency (and others of the 3 letter variety). They believe everything they say and are almost chomping at the bit to head into a war against a nation that did NOTHING to us. Hmm I wonder what has changed that leads them to think in such a manner.

I don't really wonder about it at all as the answer is pretty clear to anyone paying attention, even when we try not to. Some people hate Donald Trump so desperately and with the heat of a thousand exploding volcanoes, that they cannot use logic, reasoning or critical thinking skills anymore.

These days any negative accusation that is launched at the president is automatically totally true according to some. I might remind you at this time that I have no party affiliation and don't buy into the corrupt duopoly that is really a tax payer funded criminal enterprise. I refuse to take part in such a filthy system. Therefore, I am not defending the republican side of any given issue or taking up with the democratic portion of society either. I simply want fair and equal outrage displayed no matter who the current puppet—I mean president—might be.

People who used to question our overlords and those who really run the show, such as the surveillance state, are now happily going along with whatever they say especially if it paints Trump in a bad light. (Not so sure he needs any help in terms of being painted in a bad light but I think you catch my drift.) I am honestly shocked and dismayed by what I'm seeing and hearing from friends to national figures when it comes to throwing out all previously held principles due to the loathing of Trump.

Let's take this “resistance” for example. I wonder where they were when our previous puppet was crushing the Fourth Amendment via that hideous NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) of 2012, for just ONE of the many examples.

Did the “resistance” march on the streets when we bombed Syria so much that we ran out of bombs? Were they appalled when the largest transfer of wealth from the “peons” to the ultra-rich took place under the messiah also known as Obama? Did they resist when that particular leader jailed and tortured more whistle-blowers than all presidents combined?

I get sick and tired of being subjected to this ridiculous notion of resisting all things Trump when the actions seemed to be perfectly fine when they were being carried out by a different person!

Also, I can't help but notice how war criminals have now become warm and fuzzy in the eyes of those who hated them previously. Did you happen to see the love-fest with Ellen and President Bush when he appeared on her show? This is because he hates Trump too. Anyone who hates Trump has suddenly been rehabilitated in the eyes of many. I find this to be disgusting and gross, for lack of better words. This is clear when somebody with the record of Robert Mueller has suddenly been elevated to saint status. Never mind that he LIVED for torture and LIED us into the Iraq war. He hates Trump so he must be a great individual! YEAH!

Whew, I'm getting in touch with some deep feelings here and I appreciate your being a part of my therapy for the week.

Please for the love of all things lovable, have some consistency in terms of holding people accountable for their actions and displaying outrage. There is no doubt that Trump is crude and classless but why is the way he SAYS things more important than ACTIONS taken in previous administrations? This is what drives me to drink. People seem to glorify other presidents who did basically the same thing, or worse, but did so whilst smiling broadly and having some social skills. I always look for a leader who is a sharp dresser and a good orator whilst dropping drones on innocent people in other countries. It's like a Norman Rockwell portrait.

I think I've mustered all the outrage I can in one column and shall now release you from bondage at this time. I think I might be in trouble for penning such a piece but honest to Pete, I am tiring rapidly of the double standard being displayed on “all sides” of the spectrum.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC, Geoengineering, “War is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler, “Where did the Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood)