Look for Joy

Welcome! I hope you’re finding peace during these troubled days. There certainly is a lot to be anxious about, isn’t there? The election uncertainty, restrictions everywhere, continued social unrest…it seems endless.

I’m so grateful that the Atlantic community has been largely untouched by social unrest. I drive through the area and see the beauty of well-maintained farms, homes,, yards, and pretty harvest decorations. I see deer munching dried corn leftover from the corn harvest, soybean fields clear of their bounty, and know that while many things seem out of control, God is still in control.

A friend recently had a baby. People still have hope for the future. And for that I’m grateful.

Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, as of this writing. I have so much to be thankful for this year. Despite the challenges, I can honestly say 2020 was the best year of my life. God has opened doors to free me from burdens and grief and given me opportunities and joy that have transformed my life.

Even in challenging circumstances, or perhaps especially during difficulties, God shows his strength. He also shows his infinite kindness.

I have hope for the future. Do I get anxious about it sometimes? Sure. But I’m trying to trust God and not worry. I’ve spent too many years worrying. Most of the things I’ve worried about were outside my control. It’s silly to expend energy on something I can’t control. And it demonstrates weak faith.

One thing I’m very grateful for this year is the opportunity to narrate novels. I recently submitted my final edit of “Joy After Noon,” a novel by Debra Coleman Jeter. I’m so excited that this audiobook, narrated by yours truly, will be available on Audible, iTunes, and Amazon, hopefully by the end of the year. I’ll be narrating her second novel, “Song of Sugar Sands,” as well. I’m honored that she chose me as the voice for her series and that God opened this door.

God often guides us toward opportunities and relationships when we’re not looking, wouldn’t you agree? These can often be the richest blessings, because our hearts are open to his will.

Another thing I’m tremendously thankful for this year is the gorgeous weather. I think I’ve seen more sunshine this year than ever before. I’ve enjoyed birds and deer, too. I saw a baby owl one night. I watched twin fawns bound through a field. I caught glimpses of bluebirds and red-tailed hawks. I saw a blue chicory today, and it’s November!

Look for good things and good people, and you will find joy.

`` Adamsville Presbyterian Church is hosting a Thanksgiving Eve service on November 25, 2020, at 7 p.m. The service will also be livestreamed on Facebook. Food and monetary donations for the Jamestown Food Pantry will be accepted.

`` Atlantic Community Church is having a Thanksgiving service at 7 p.m. on November 22, 2020. They will have the Hanging of the Greens at 10 a.m. on November 28, 2020, and Naomi Hosek, a missionary serving in Turkey from The Evangelical Alliance Mission, will speak during worship service on November 29, 2020.

Have a wonderful week! Blessings!