Songbird Symphony

Welcome! This spring and summer I have awakened to a symphony almost daily. I couldn’t possibly identify each of the musicians in the sunrise symphony outside my windows, but they certainly know how to blend their voices perfectly. Each bird is praising God with its unique song.

There are no egos. No one bird drowns out the others. There are no arguments or attacks. They simply see daylight and begin to sing.

They make me want to get out of bed, even when I’m still a little sleepy. They remind me that it’s a new day, a day with joy ahead.

They don’t know anything about COVID-19, rioting, anarchists pulling down statues of Jesus and our Founding Fathers. All they know is it’s a new morning, and they’re greeting it.

Have you ever considered that God cares about birds? Jesus said he does: “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” (Luke 12:24 NIV)

God takes care of ravens. And ravens, by the way, aren’t songbirds. Not by a long shot. They’re the size of red-tailed hawks, for starters.

They’re also the first bird mentioned in the Bible. Noah sent a raven from the ark before he sent a dove. And even though they’re unclean birds (Jews aren’t supposed to eat their meat, probably because they’re scavengers and eat everything from eggs to dead animals to garbage), God used a raven to bring food to Elijah when he was in hiding from King Ahab.

But even ravens sing. Their song sounds like a croaking noise. It’s not the delightful, “pretty, pretty” cardinal song. Still, they praise God in their own way.

Even during these turbulent times, we have so much to praise God for. Sleep with your windows open and listen to birds singing in the morning. Say, “Thanks, God, for this songbird symphony” when you wake up. If your grass is getting tall, praise God that we live in a place where we get enough rain and sunshine to make it grow. If your gas tank is empty, praise God that you’re able to drive wherever you want, whenever you want. And if you find yourself thinking, “I never thought I’d see the day…” ask the God who cares for the ravens to care for you. He will.

I have a little Atlantic area news.

``Several people expressed interest in Fallowfield United Methodist Church making and selling pies at the church during what would traditionally have been Crawford County Fair week.

I attended a special meeting that included the pie committee and others from the church. We considered the possibility from all angles, but ultimately voted against it.

``Adamsville Presbyterian Chu-rch continues with virtual sermons via Zoom, and hopes to have in-person worship services in August. They will also be broadcasting via Facebook and possibly post these on YouTube once they resume in-person worship.

Because of COVID-19 they have decided to cancel Vacation Bible School this year and will use the VBS materials next year. They plan on having a fundraising auction and a concert in autumn.

`` Fallowfield United Methodist will continue having worship service at 9 a.m. with Sunday school at 10:15. Social distancing and mask wearing are requested.

Community Church has resumed worship services at 10:30 a.m. They encourage wearing masks.

Have a wonderful week. Blessings!