Seek the Light

As I drove my daughter home from a volleyball game last week, she remarked on the stars. They twinkled in the blue-black sky. She said she was glad she lives in a place where she can see the stars, in a place where the sky isn’t orange. Street and parking lot lights color the night sky orange in town. It made me smile. I always wanted my children to grow up in a place where they could see the stars.

She’s not the only person who redirects my attention toward beauty. While I’m bowing to the tyranny of the urgent in the morning, my son routinely points out rose-colored sunrises as his room faces east. I took pictures of the sunrise a few days ago, but my phone’s camera didn’t capture the majesty. God created the human eye to see and perceive what even the best camera cannot.

We had two days of full sunshine last week. The sun felt so good on my face as I walked. The clear sky relaxed me: no need to worry about getting rained on.

God’s blessings took the form of light last week. Blue-black skies and pinpricks of twinkling lights. Sunlight painting a rosy masterpiece across the sky at 6:45 in the morning. Baby-blue sky and a golden ball of light in the afternoon. And the gift of sight, so that I may enjoy it.

If you saw a gorgeous sunrise last week, if you reveled in starlight, if you closed your eyes and soaked in sunshine, then God blessed you. No matter what you faced yesterday, what you’re facing today, or what’s coming tomorrow, take joy in the beautiful moments. And always, always, seek the light.

All God’s blessings to you this week.