Revealed in the Right Season

Welcome! I saw my first sign of spring last week. My sharp-eyed son noticed daffodil stems poking through the snow. When the snow melted a few days later I could see the stems were about four inches high. I was astonished.

Daffodils start as bulbs. Gardeners plant these in fall and they remain underground all winter. Then, at the right moment, they begin to push through the soil and reveal their beautiful green stems. When the time is right, their flowers open, displaying beautiful golden petals. My daffodils were planted by my Great-Aunt Barbara. They are old-fashioned daffodils, and have a cluster of petals, rather than the trumpet-shaped center I’m used to seeing. They’re also a little darker yellow than the trumpet variety, making them look like sunshine. I have a long row of daffodils along my driveway. The sight of them lifts my spirits.

But what struck me last week was that these flowers have been growing throughout the past few weeks, bravely pushing up through hard, snow-covered ground. It seems every time the snow melted in March a few more inches fell overnight, painting the world white and obscuring any signs of spring. But that didn’t stop the daffodils, and it doesn’t deny the truth that while they were buried in snow, they were still growing.

These pretty green stems remind me that when I pray for something I desperately want God is already answering my prayer. His answer may be in the bulb stage. Or it may be in the process of pushing through the hard soil; I don’t notice it in the busyness of life. Or perhaps it’s concealed until I’m supposed to notice it. God sets times and seasons in motion, and He chooses when to reveal the good things He has in store.

God knows our deepest heart’s desires. He is well able to satisfy these. But if we don’t ask God to fulfill our desperate yearnings, He sometimes won’t. Let’s bring our heart cries to God this week and believe He will reveal His answers in the right time.

Fallowfield United Methodist Church is hosting a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for the needy in our community on April 14, from 4 to 7 p.m. The meal includes salad, bread, and homemade pie.

Fallowfield is hosting an old-fashioned hymn sing on Sunday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m. Come join us and call out your favorite hymns.

Fallowfield is also hosting revival services April 25 through 27 at 6:30. We’ll feature the Reverend Doctor Michael Poke and the Reverend Doctor Fred Monk as speakers. Fallowfield’s choir, praise ensemble, and Pastor Larry Corner, and Allen Jacobs will provide music. Please come and refresh your soul or learn about Jesus for the first time.

Have a wonderful week. Blessings!