As the year begins to finally wind-down, I am drawn to reflect upon many, many things that both I and Carolyn, as well as all of our World have experienced over the past twelve months.

Reminders of the devastating turmoil which the current pandemic has produced surrounds each and every one of us.

Innumerable folks have had their employment and source of income ripped out from under them. Countless families and individuals have been transported onto the streets after having experienced foreclosure upon their homes.

Businesses, both small and large, have closed their doors…for many of them this foreclosure is permanent.

Lives have been lost to the side effects of the pandemic, leaving behind only the memories in the Hearts of their loved ones.

On a personal level, my wife and I have lost to Eternity the Family Member who blessed our Lives for the past 8 ½ years.

The World in which we now journey has changed tremendously…or has it?

Each of us has experienced the feeling of “Deja-vue” at sometime in our Lives. Myself…I experienced this unexplainable feeling just the other day.

As I was driving home from my responsibilities in our regional health center, my attention was caught by something which I observed on the corner intersection of Rt. 285 and North Lake Road in Espyville. I saw in the distance a bright light shining through the encroaching darkness of the early evening.

Closing-in, I recognized a Beacon of Hope which I had first seen two years prior.

Transported back through the past 24 months to a Time well before the turmoil and trials which now surround our Lives, I recalled the article which I had created back in the weeks before the Christmas of 2018.

Permit me to recall a section of that article.


Driving down North Lake Road the other day on my way to do some “necessary” shopping, I stopped, as was warranted, at the intersection with PA Rt. 285 before turning left. HOWEVER, before making the turn, my attention was drawn to a sight directly across the road from where I was stopped.

My vision became riveted upon several gentlemen on the corner of the parking lot of the Lil’ Bit Restaurant. These gentleman were absorbed in the process of vertically mounting a large pine tree into a position we all recognize…that of a Christmas Tree! As I watched, they carved the tree bottom into a size which could be accommodated into the tree’s stand/holder. Moreover, they trimmed the bottom branches so that the finished tree would display nearly perfect symmetry. Absolutely beautiful!

As the moments passed, I became more enthralled in their efforts…almost to the point of total oblivion to everything else, including the reason for my afternoon trip. After several minutes (or maybe it was hours), I regained my senses and proceeded on my Journey. Later that day, actually early evening, as I returned home, I was captivated by what these men had accomplished…decorating the restaurant’s Christmas tree with strands of lights, and crowning it with a large star! HOW WONDERFUL!!!


For some unexplained reason, as the evening progressed into the early morning hours, and silence crept into my world, I was transported back to a Time long ago. The “agent” of this transport was that decorated tree rising on the corner of Rt. 285 and North Lake Road. For some unexplained reason, the image wound its way into my memory…unleashing Dreams of the Past.

The year was 1953. My folks had just committed to developing a lot on Collins Drive into what would be our “second home.”

However, all of the plans my parents had made seemed to fall into dire peril as the Autumn progressed. My Dad, had recently chose to leave his Uncle Cy’s sign painting business, to pursue his future as a “neon-bender” for Pittsburgh’s famous McBride Sign Company.

The Spring and Summer of 1953 was a VERY busy time for my Dad at McBride’s. He was one of only two Neon-benders in the entire area. AND, his talents were MORE than appreciated.

But as the Summer ended, and the Fall season began, the neon sign business suffered a diminishing market. Businesses retreated from the installation of neon glass signs during the cold months of Winter.

Unfortunately, one morning, as my Dad entered the shop, he was approached by McBride’s owner, who informed him that due to the lack of new business, he would be laid-off for several weeks.

Dad was not alone in this situation. MANY workers saw layoffs that year…and many of the Pittsburgh families who had built second homes in the Espyville Region were in danger of losing their beloved residences. On Collins Drive, our Family was one of several from the northern section of Pittsburgh…Millvale, Etna, the North Hills, etc.

As the Autumn season progressed, these families spent their weekends (and sometimes weekdays) on their Espyville properties…using the excuse of preparing their residences for the Winter. In reality, they were all preparing for the worst possible scenario of losing their treasured homes.

I remember one very special weekend when several of these Families (including my own Parents) met together to discuss their possibilities. The result of that meeting was the mutual agreement to actually decorate the various properties with all the decorations of the Holiday Season.

Outdoor pine trees which nearly EVERYBODY planted in their front yards, were strung with lights. Doors and windows were hung with wreaths. Miniature Santas, sleighs, and reindeer pranced across several lawns! WOW! Now this was the way to beat the rampant depression! AND…it worked!


Arriving back in Pittsburgh after that weekend, my Dad received a message from one of the leaders of the Electricians’ Union to which he belonged. This Union representative informed my Dad that his presence and talents were requested by the owners of Horne’s Department Store in downtown Pittsburgh.

He was offered the position of foreman to the installation of the Christmas tree which (to this day) decorates the outside corner of the former Hornes store every Winter Holiday Season.

Of course, Dad was MORE than overwhelmed, and tremendously humbled, by this offer. But, it WAS abundantly clear to Mom, that her husband’s Artistic talents were well-known and appreciated.

As the years progressed, this awareness also crept into my Heart. Our Lives were saved, including our home in Espyville.

As I watched those gentlemen install the tree outside of the Lil’ Bit, I became that young child once again. All the efforts of our Community and its residents, both Past and Present, grasped my Heart…and I remembered. Remembered: my Dad and Mom, our home on Collins, the Families who worked so hard to develop and enrich the Community.


All those Families who developed homes on Collins Drive during those Times are long-gone. Several of the residences have been demolished and replaced. The bowling alley on the corner of Collins Drive and Rt. 285 is now Boonies Auto Shop. Even the restaurant, in which the parking lot, those gentlemen had installed the Christmas two years ago, has been closed for many months.

Yet…the tree has, once again, arisen to enlighten our Present Day!

Its Star brightens the evening sky, and sheds its warmth across the entire area. The message it shares to us all through the beacons of its Light is VERY clear.

NO MATTER the turmoil…the despair…and the seeming “hopelessness” which we feel at the present Time, there IS a Beacon of Hope which brightens our days and Light our Lives.

Let NOT the darkness eliminate that Light!

Take a ride, or even a walk…visit the Tree of Life near to you.

Stare at the Star decorating its pinnacle. Experience its Light and what it truly symbolizes. Then, keep those warm thoughts within your own Heart and Mind….FOREVER!

And…remember this: YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!!!

May it be an evening Star

shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls, your Heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh, how far you are from home

Believe and you will find your Way

When the Night is overcome,

You may rise to light the Day

When the Night is overcome,

You may rise to find the Sun

Believe...and you will find your Way

A Promise lives within you now.

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Man arms out in beamLIGHT OF REMEMBRANCE shines on forever