Recently, I have been receiving a “multitude” of invitations to join various groups posting in social media formats such as Facebook. Similarly, many individuals from around our entire Planet have sent me “Friend Requests.”

Now, as most folks know (or SHOULD know) requests such as these should be viewed VERY cautiously. Too frequently, social media requests, much like requests obtained through email correspondence, are simply attempts to “burglarize,” or obtain vital information which could then be utilized in a very negative manner.

In like manner, external forces frequently can guide us onto a Pathway which, all too often, leads to confusion, uncertainty, and a lessening belief in one’s personal worth and dignity. In far too many instances, a Journey such as this can become a “step-by-step voyage” ending in total despair…BUT, ONLY IF WE LET IT!


It was 1975. A young man living with his spouse and their newborn daughter was living on the East Coast. His rise to SUCCESS was rapid. In less than five brief years he had risen in the ranks of the theatrical community to such a height, that he was offered a job with a well-known off-Broadway troupe.

WOW! His Future was certain! Fame and Glory were well within his grasp.

HOWEVER…unforeseen circumstances stepped into the picture, and he was forced to abandon this opportunity, and to step onto a Pathway completely different. Having no alternative, he relinquished his success, and accepted a FAR different Journey of Life.

Eventually, this young man’s Journey led him onto the Pathway of losing EVERYTHING: home, Family, Relatives, etc. Despair laid waiting for him at the Journey’s end.


In the Autumn of 1981, a new Pathway opened for the young man. His Journey led him to a “fork in the road.” He was presented with a new possibility.

Searching within himself…into the depths of his Spirit he found the Strength to step forward onto that new Pathway. He has NEVER looked back. AND…that new Pathway has led him into a Journey he could NEVER had imagined.

At Times we all hesitate about which Pathway to follow...what steps we should take on our individual Journeys. Not knowing what to choose, we often falter in our steps.

Sometimes we are dismayed that we have taken the steps in the “wrong direction.” Yet, with each step comes Knowledge...with each step comes Understanding.

Mistakes can, if we truly choose, lead to Positive steps...when we realize that we CAN move in the Right Direction. Wisdom is to be found...and the Journey will continue to move forward for us ALL.


The decisions we all face in our Lives are NEVER simple!

Choices ALWAYS seem complicated...whether through the consideration of other individuals along our Journey, or by “situations” we believe that are totally out of our control.

YET...when we hold onto our BELIEF in ourselves, our True Worth and Dignity, the choices and decisions become clearer.

Of course, external influences will always play a “part”...but, with Hope and Faith in ourselves, our Path becomes much, much clearer...and the Results are ones which WE CHOOSE!

As we trudge through the “grind” of our daily wanderings, we often lose sight of the Truth.

The “Magic” of Life surrounds us at each and every moment.

As we sometimes forget...”the most beautiful things sometimes grow in the strangest places.”

It can be found in the simplest of things...and, also in the most frequently unobserved circumstances.

• It can be seen in the blossom of the Dandelion...

• It can be heard in the heartfelt “squeals” of all newborn Creatures...

• In the drops of Rain which caress our bodies...

• In the Rising and Setting of all Heavenly Bodies...

• AND....in the Reflections of our own Selves.

Always Believe in this precious Gift, in the Magic within our every moment.

Stop for a moment...First, take a look around you...notice the Beauty in the tiniest, most overlooked things surrounding you.

A New Day! Look up...see the Sun, the Clouds, the Birds overhead. Listen to the sound of the Leaves under your feet. Enjoy every moment of the Day...of your Life!

Next, step outside...take into yourself all the myriad of Life.

Last...step in front of a mirror...see the TRUE BEAUTY you ARE!

The Gift of Today is the Beginning of the New Footstep on the Journey of your Life.

“There comes a

Time for Healing

no matter how broken

you are right now...

no matter how heavy

your Heart is right now.

There comes a Time when

you will go outside,

and let the Sun shine

on your face,

and let the Wind touch your hair.

And that Day

will be the Beginning of


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