“Alice! Alice!! ALLICCCE!!! Wakie, Wakie! Open those eyes! C’mon, Alice…wake up now!”

What WAS that sound I seemed to hear? Oh, wait…I think someone is trying to talk to me. I think they are telling me to “Wake up!”

Slowly, a grey haze blossomed before me, and snuck between the lashes of my eyes as I struggled to awaken.

“That’s right, Alice. Open those eyes. We’re here waiting for you.”

The gray haze gradually faded into a bright mist…and, I started to visualize what seemed to be three silhouettes wrapped in the ensuing light.

Gradually, the outlines of the silhouettes sharpened, and I was able to distinguish three figures standing before me…leaning over my reclining figure…speaking those words to me.

Where am I? Better yet, WHO am I…and, what am I doing HERE?

“Alice, don’t you remember? You fell through the Looking Glass. You ended up in the middle of the Road. We found you there while the three of us were taking a Journey down that same Road, on our way to our Destination.”

The Looking Glass? The Road? No, I don’t remember any of that. How long have I been here? How did I get here? How long was I asleep?

One of the three figures before my eyes (the one with the lonnng white ears) spoke up.

He told me that they had carried me here from finding me in the dust of the winding pathway, and had placed me upon the comfortable divan upon which I had just awakened. I had been asleep for more than three days…and, while I was in that “state of being,” they had stood watch over me, never leaving my side. They were MORE than anxious to see me awaken; but, in those three days, they had NEVER lost Hope that I WOULD awaken, despite severely injuring my head in my downward spiral through that enticing Looking Glass.

Now their wishes had come true! I was with them…speaking to them, and listening to their words and expressions of kindness and comfort.

As the stream of consciousness slowly whisked the confusion from my mind, I, somewhat, attempted to raise my upper torso from its horizontal position on the couch. RATS!!! No way could I raise myself…even slightly.

Without a moment’s hesitation, my long-eared new Friend placed his furry arms behind my shoulders to soften my falling backwards. He gently ran his paw through my long hair, whisking it away from my eyes, and spoke once again.

“Alice, do you wish to sit up? Would you like us to help you back along the Path? That’s why we are here with you, Alice, to help you along every step you wish to take.”

I answered him…”Yes, could you and your two Friends help me along? I’m VERY sore…very hungry and thirsty…and I wish to be on my way. Where is it you said you were headed? I thought I heard someone say that the Road I fell onto was to a place entitled ’WONDERLAND’. Is that where I wanted to arrive? And, if that is true, can you three help me to get there?” “I’m SO tired! I just know I cannot make it there on my own.”


“George! George!! Open your eye! Wake up, George! We’re here with you.”

HUH!?! What was that? Where AM I? What happened?

“You don’t remember, of course. Three days ago you were transported by ambulance from our home to the hospital. From there, you were Life-flighted here to Pittsburgh, and placed in ICU. The three of us are here now with you. You are NOT alone!”

AS I slowly opened my eyes, and vision gradually returned, I recognized three figures before me…surrounding the bed upon which I was placed. The scene unfolded before my gaze: the many tubes, lines, etc. which flowed both into and out from my body became visible…the sounds of the monitors filled my ears.

Then, the three figures approached, and I recognized my wife, her Aunt, and a beloved former student of mine who had never abandoned me throughout the many years. WOW!!!

As I slowly regained my consciousness, I carefully attempted to “speak” as best I could despite a long breathing tube ensconcing itself in my throat. And, as Time wore on, they told me exactly what had happened to me. Moreover, I was also told that EVERYONE involved with my “situation” had deemed my survival a true Miracle.

BUT…one question remained in my mind. It wasn’t until many months later that I posed that question: When my three visitors attempted to awaken me that July afternoon in the ICU, why did they call me “ALICE?” Who is “ALICE?” And, equally puzzling, who was the creature with the long white ears?

Eventually all my questions were self-answered. The “obvious” became a reality.

I have, since childhood, been a TOTAL fan of Lewis Carroll and his novels surrounding Alice, her Friend the White Rabbit, and all the inhabitants of Wonderland. The concepts and wisdom of Carroll’s creations speak Truth to each and every one of us.

In our search along the Pathways of our Life, we sometimes fail to call upon the support of others who are there to help us in our Quest.

Too often we wander, somewhat, aimlessly...when what we need to do is simply accept the helping hands of those who can, and WILL, guide us to the place of our Dreams.

HOPE is there!

When we shed from our Heart all the fears and turmoil, and surround ourselves with the Love of Mankind, we WILL find our “WONDERLAND!”

The words of the White Rabbit ring True:

“The secret, Alice, is to

surround yourself

with people who make your heart smile.

It’s then, only then,

that you’ll find Wonderland”