Well…here I sit, once again, in front of my computer pondering what to compose for this week’s article.

The corner which I refer to as my “home office” faces immediately on my left-hand side one of the large first floor windows of our home.

The window itself opens onto a view of the various levels of my garden. So, I am constantly confronted with all the tremendous wonders of the growth of flowering plants, creeping Trumpet vines, and many other species of vegetative delights.

Inevitably, numerous creatures of different types either inhabit the garden area, or wend their way through in search of culinary delights.

Chipmunks??? How many can you count? Squirrels??? Gray, red, etc…. colors pass by at nearly every hour of every day! Each attempting to gather the remnants of seeds which have fallen from the many (MANY) birdfeeders throughout the garden area. Without fail, their searches ALWAYS are successful.

And BIRDS!!! Wow!!! Every day we have a constant crowd of “feathered friends” enjoying the repast which I have set-out for their lips…or, beaks.

Every Avian species which inhabits our Region can be found at our feeders…which, at this time, number 28 feeders in total (TRUTH!), or may be found in the woods surrounding our home.

Most of these visitors are year-round residents; yet, a few types are seasonal in their visitations.

WE can ALWAYS tell when the seasons are about to change. Spring brings to our garden Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Catbirds, House Wrens, Flickers, Red-headed Woodpeckers, Indigo Buntings, Scarlet Tanagers, Flycatchers, and others. ORIOLES??? WOW, do we have a multitude of them! Usually they arrive around May first.

However, the first visitor to arrive each and every year, and the genuine harbinger of Spring, is the beloved Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. The males are the first of their species to arrive…obviously, to search-out the area for their intended mates and broods of youngsters.

As most folks know, and would agree, the Hummingbird is a true “Gift.” It’s beauty, whether male or female, is unforgettable, and touches the very Heart and Spirit. Moreover, its early arrival is a Blessing, and a Promise of Spring and beyond.


Upon gazing at and observing the first Hummingbird this past Spring, I became transfixed.

The turmoil of our present time, and the personal and economic despair which SO many of us have faced seemed to have been swept into the background. As my eyes beheld the WONDER of the gift visiting the feeder hanging outside my “office” corner, the Magic unfolded…and my Spirit embraced the message this remarkable creature expressed.

Change is not only “possible,” but is inevitable. With the arrival of the Hummingbird, the HOPE of Springtime casts the bleakness of Winter into the melting rays of the Sun. The message he brought was that despite everything else, with effort our wings, like his, can carry us forward into a New and Positive Season.

But, as noted, effort IS required. The Hummingbird’s wings, seemingly, never stop. Likewise, we must never stop in our pursuit of positive change and growth. This is true not only for each and every one of us as individuals, but also for us as a People, and as a Planet.


All of the Summertime birds have left en route for their Autumn/Winter habitats.

Among the last to leave were the dozens of Orioles, both the adults, and their now fully-grown offspring.

And here I sit.

The Chipmunks (which we have named “BUZZ” due to their rapid movements), the squirrels, and the occasional larger residents are still here entertaining us daily.

But, the weather is definitely changing. Summer is melting into Autumn. The trees surrounding our home are beginning to change the color of their “attire.” In the late hours of the evening, the furnace has begun to breathe its breath of warmth. Tee-shirts have been replaced with long sleeves and sweatshirts.

Yet, as I sit working at my computer, I can still be amazed with the wonders of my garden…although the blossoms are becoming less frequent, and the vegetables have yielded their crops.


From the corner of my eye as I typed-away, I caught a tiny rapidly moving object approach the window to my left.

AS I looked up, I beheld an incredible sight: what I can only assume as the last male Hummingbird visitor halted its flight directly in front of my vision. His eyes met mine as he hovered , his visage directly meeting mine. His unswerving Spirit spoke to me. Here is what he whispered to me:

“Although it is Time for me to leave you for a while, I WILL return. NEVER stop believing. NEVER give up. The Hope and Promise of Tomorrow lies within you…and, like myself , will ALWAYS return when you least expect it. “

Then, as I watched he slowly backed-up, stopped for a moment, and then moved forward out of my sight.

Time moves forward. Seasons change. But the Essence of some things, the Spirit of Hope, never leaves us completely. Like the Hummingbird, it will always return. And, the Gift and Promise will forever live within us all…ALWAYS.


Hummingbird don’t fly away

fly away

Hummingbird don’t fly away

fly away

Haven’t you noticed the days?

Somehow keep getting longer

And the spirit voices whisper

in us all

Haven’t you noticed the rays?

The spirit Sun is stronger

And a new day is dawning

For us all.


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hummingbird photo