WHAAAA……? What’s THAT I feel?

Three o’clock in the morning, or, if you prefer, the middle of the night. I feel something pushing against my backside, poking me over and over, with what seems to be “calculated” rhythm. HUH??? Did someone, or some-thing, break into the house? What to do? What to do?

Cautiously, I opened my sleep ensconced eyes, uncovered my weary head/neck, and, before attempting to turn on a light, lift up my resting self…ever so slowly. AND…what do I encounter???

There he stood, extending his upper body over my resting place on the living room couch. Eyes wide open and filled with anticipation. Jaws separated to permit his “mile-long” tongue to dangle near my visage, sharing dribbles onto my sheet and blanket. Tail sweeping the atmosphere with tremendous rapidity, nearly creating a tornado over me. His entire body shaking with expectation.

“HOBBES!!! What do you want at this untimely hour?”

Realizing that he had captured my unbridled attention, he quickly ran to the front door…planted himself on the entrance rug…and continued to pant, dribble, and invite me to his side.

WOW! What a time to want to go outside and “make a deposit!” Oh, well, my furry Son needed to exit into his area along the south side of our home…rush into the section we had appropriately named, “HOBBES ACRES,” and make his deposit. Who was I to judge? So, dragging myself over to the door, I granted my boy’s anxious wish.


After welcoming my relieved furry Son back into the house, without further ado, he made his way past me, and nestled onto his huge “doggy pillow.” Planning to follow his example, I stretched myself back onto my sleeping area, re-covered myself, and closed my eyes…hoping to regain my restful sleep.

NOT SO! After what seemed like several hours of frustration, and after listening to the gentle snores which surrounded me, AND realizing that my “Sleep Time” was over for the night, I sat upright, fetched my eyeglasses, and proceeded over to my computer/office area adjacent.

Without switching-on any lights (once again), I fired-up my trusty H.P. and proceeded to check my most recent e-mails.

There, among the notices, was a confirmation receipt for an online order I had placed the previous afternoon. Attached to the notice was a WONDERFUL SURPRISE!!! The business from which I had made the purchase granted me a VERY kind offer: a 30%-OFF Coupon which I could apply to my very next order! WOW, how kind! Actually, how badly-timed. The coupon was effective only for a period of 12 hours! AND, only available for an online purchase. Now, since I had made my initial purchase early the afternoon of the previous day, this coupon was no longer valid.

Nice Timing on the part of the merchant…how effectively planned, to send the coupon more than 12 hours AFTER my purchase. Get it?


Undaunted by this teasing offer, and since I had nothing better to do, I decided to open my online version of the morning’s regional newspaper. After a few minutes, having briefly scanned the lead articles, my attention was grabbed by the headline of an article which spoke to my and my wife’s deepest interests.

The article described, in utmost detail, the area of our Region in which more than 77 Bald Eagles had been observed feeding! Not only that information was shared, but the EXACT route and specific area in which these magnificent creatures could be found was also given to the reader!

This was Terrific news! One of Carolyn’s favorite subjects for her photo-shoots is the Symbol of America, the Bald Eagle.

Now, where exactly is this feathery population chowing-down? WHAAA???? In our most recent photographic jaunt, the route of our travels had wound exactly through the area described! Wait…nope, not EXACTLY through that area, but right alongside of the Eagle feeding sights! Once again, great Timing!


Having completed all of my obligations outside of the home for the current week, I offered to take Carolyn and Hobbes, on a Journey. My offer was immediately met with great enthusiasm.

She asked, “Could we try to find the Eagles today?” As a “bribe” she made the offer, “Lunch today will be on ME!” How could I possibly refuse?

SO…after the morning’s chores were completed, the three of us hustled into our trusty SUV, and began our Journey into the world of projected photographic Excitement.

Naturally, I had previously “Googled” the exact route to be followed to the Eagles’ “smorgasbord.”

After awhile, we arrived at the designated area…unpacked our cameras..and set-up shop.

A hour later, not ONE SINGLE Bald Eagle had winged into the designated area. Not ONE had so much as winged its way overhead…nor landed in any of the trees…nor had so much as “hollered-out!”

Thus, after yet another long waiting period, we decided to pack-up the instruments of observance, and head-out for some tasteful repast.


Now, Hobbes has an unbrideled passion for sliced roast beef…specifically, the type served through local fast-food joints which voice that they “Have the Meats!” Similarly, my wife’s appetite leans toward other offerings served by these same “restaurants.” Hence, I aimed the vehicle toward the nearest place serving these offerings.

As we arrived, feeling rather exhausted, I decided to place our food order via the drive-through device. After placing the order, we moved to the window behind which waited the pleasant young lady who would fulfill our request.

BUT…I immediately sensed apprehension on her face. Her eyes seemed filled with fear. What could be the cause of her reaction? Why, of course it was her observance of my “little” doogie nestled upon the rear seat of the SUV. She refused to open the drive-through window, despite the fact that there was NO possible way through which he could reach - See Timing page 17


- from page 14

her…even if he had wanted to! She directed me that I would have to come into the venue to pay for and obtain our food order.

Hobbes, contrary to the expected reason for his excitement, LOVES drive-throughs…especially Tim Horton’s, Arbys, the Conneaut Lake Rite-Aid, Burger King, The Bank, etc., etc. etc., because he is ALWAYS the receipient of a treat handed to him by the drive-through staff.

YEP…I had no choice in the matter. Nevertheless, Carolyn DID pay for the late lunch.


The day grew shorter…the rays of the sun began to nestle into the clouds of the approaching evening as we turned into the dirt road leading to our home. Once inside, we each made our own specific way into a form of relaxation.

WAIT a minute! I had forgotten something! I needed to make a telephone payment on a bill…a payment which was due no later than today.

Without so much as a moment’s hesitation, I hustled over to my desk area, fetched the waiting bill, and proceeded to place the payment call.

Immediately after being connected, Bert (our elder Birman feline) decide to jump up near my side, and make HIS voice heard on the phone. Lizzy ( our younger female Birman) decided to “chime-in” the conversation. Hobbes, hearing the awesome screeching of his two “buddies” began his “voice-over”…a penetrating series of ear-splitting barks that only the human companion of a German Shepherd would understand.

On the recipient end of the phone conversation, the animated voice which SHOULD have received my phone payment seemed TOTALLY out of control. Once again, the choice was limited. I ended the call, clumped my way outside…down the porch steps, and into my parked vehicle. There, undisturbed, I completed the telephone payment.


What to do next? Having lost a night’s sleep…been frustrated online…been unvisited by the Band of Eagles…been humiliated at the drive-thorough…and, been the victim of telephone-communicating animals…I made my decision.

After exiting my SUV, I made my way back into our abode. There, waiting for me were the all the members of my beloved Family. I approached my Boy, knelt down, caressed his waiting brow, accepted his grateful licks, stood up, walked over to where Bert was nestled into his little cat cradle, gently touched his smooth back, and then…walked over to where my Wife sat in her reclining chair, placed a kiss on her brow, and, finally, stretched-out upon my couch.

What a GREAT day…no kidding! What a True Blessing…Alive, Loved, and filled with Gratitude.

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