Pumpkin season is upon us in FULL swing!

Homes and yards throughout the Region are beautifully decorated with natural products of the season: straw and hay bales, cornstalks, pumpkins, hardy mums, for example…and MORE! Especially noticeable are the numerous displays of inflatables of EVERY size, shape, and design.

Sometimes it seems (at least to me!) that the Halloween decorations have, somewhat, begun to overtake the traditional outside Christmas decorations. WATCH OUT, THE GRISWALD FAMILY!

Of course, many of us are completely engaged at this time of the year with the raking, mulching, and bagging of all the fallen leaves which blanket our world. Apparently, Eternity has given us yet another opportunity to “stay in shape.” Some of us, myself for example, adamantly refuse to rake those fallen “gifts.” WHAT??? YOU DON’T RAKE-UP YOUR FALLEN LEAVES??? Nope! I simply use my yard tractor to grind them down into mulch as I cut the grass for the final time of the season. The effects of my action? WELLLLL…let’s just say, unlike several others in the neighborhood, I need not to fertilize my grasses! The mulched-up leaves do it all for me. Maybe, just maybe, I have succeeded in one of my philosophical beliefs: Resurrection.


My first memories of Halloween were holding my Daddy’s hand, and walking with him in the traditional Millvale Halloween Parade back in 1954…of course, I was wearing my beloved Mickey Mouse Halloween costume.

The parade started at the far Northern end of the town, right near the VFW Post. It ended MORE than over a mile to the other end of the town. Along the way, we passed many taverns and businesses…most of which have long since disappeared..the Mom & Pop stores, old bakery, butcher shop, Kittman’s Furniture, vegetable market, and many, many more. Yet, several of these wondrous venues have been replaced by new, and equally precious enterprises.

In those days, the candy refreshments were NOT thrown into the streets, nor did the parade participants throw into the viewing crowd. This practice was not even considered. NOPE…Dad would lead little “Georgie Mouse” along the waiting viewers, where incredible, edible presents were deposited into my candybag. Oldtime penny candy, homemade cookies, Nestle’s delights, Hershey’s Kisses were among my favorites. Sometimes, if Fortune smiled upon little Georgie Mouse, he would be presented with a full-sized Clark Bar!

BUT…the MOST WONDERFUL deposits were to be found if a parade participant would venture into one of the establishments! WOW!!! I could ALWAYS depend upon a gift of a HUGE Isaly’s “Skyscraper” cone near the end of our journey. YUMMY!

The parade ended for me at the intersection leading to the looong climb of city steps leading to our Family’s home at 229 Maryland Avenue. Being so tiny, my Daddy would take me into his arms, and make his way up that incredible climb. To this very day, I have NO idea how he was able to do such a task…maybe it was the result of incomparable LOVE.


Some of the first events which Carolyn and I were excited to observe was our FIRST viewing of the remarkable seasonal parades sponsored by several of our local areas.

We well remember each of these fantastic promenades. Of course, listed among these parades were (and still ARE) each of the events which take place in our nearest neighbor, the LINESVILLE COMMUNITY. Without question, each of these events is a witness to the fact that the Community is ripe with adventure, excitement, and support.

Next, of course, are the Autumn parades which take place in the town of Conneaut Lake, PA. The PUMPKINFEST always produces a lengthy list of participants, as does the Conneaut Lake’s Community’s Halloween Parade.

Not to be left-out are the events occurring just South of our residence in the town of Jamestown, PA, and to our immediate West in the Square of Andover, Ohio.

Each of these community-based celebrations is NOT to be missed!


Several years ago, while my primary responsibilities were with our Regional Cancer Center, we, along with several staff members, were invited to participate in the humongous MEADVILLE HALLOWEEN PARADE. Of course, we agreed…not knowing, initially, what was instore for us, or what we waded into.

The first decision with which we were faced was to come-up with a design for a float which would represent the institution in the event. After many, many meetings, discussions, and futile attempts, and as the day of the event grew closer…and closer…and, CLOSER…it was decided to request that instead of a float, could we obtain permission to participate simply as costumed marchers, and include a vehicle, or two. WELL…the answer came back, YES!

On the evening of the event, we met at the lineup “spot.” WHOAA!!! What an enormous crowd! Nevertheless, we succeeded in lining-up correctly in our designated space. And, the Journey began!

WE “marched” that evening from upwards near Diamond Park, to the lower end of the route near the shopping center plaza! Fortunately, Carolyn was able to obtain a ride in the luxury vehicle supplied by one of the facilities’ physicians. (LUCKY DUCK!)

Unlike the parades of my childhood, we were expected to cast candies into the waiting crowds. OMG! We never expected to go through so much candy…but, we DID! By the end of the evening’s “run,” I could barely lift-up my arm. It was that sore!

Nevertheless, it was a GREAT event, and an evening I will NEVER forget.

As we passed the communication setup in front of the historic Meadville Markethouse, I was addressed from the stage by the evening’s announcer, the beloved radio personality, DAVE HANAHAN. Dave called me over, and we exchanged parade comments for several minutes. His remarks in that conversation concluded with his comment describing his love and appreciation for the broadcast he shared with myself every Tuesday morning back in those days. Dave journeyed onward several years ago; but his words still ring clearly in my ears. And his broadcasts still echo throughout Eternity.


The parades are in full swing! Some of them have graced our current season over the past several weeks. However, several of the events are still to take place SOON.

Take some time! STOP RAKING THOSE LEAVES! Get out and enjoy all the events which your Community has to offer during the Autumn Season! Whether that event is a parade, a Trick-or-Treat Night, or simply a lovely get together…you will forever cherish the time spent.

Hey, Daddy…”Georgie Mouse” will be there…holding your hand in his Heart.

I heard strange noises coming from a house on the hill

So I crept up to the window and looked over the sill

My heart almost stopped, I nearly died of fright

By the dim candlelight I saw

the strangest sight

There was Frankenstein and Dracula and Wolfman too

Dancin’ with some zombies, what a ghastly crew

The ol’ ugly vampire was

doing the bop

And everything was rocking

at the monster’s hop.


(The Monster Hop)

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hands Kinship