OK…so, the sun is shining…the air is warmer…the garden is beginning to sprout.

Sitting on the side deck surrounding the northern end of our house…Hobbes by my side…glass of cool cabernet sauvignon in my hand.

Health is beginning to turn-around…treatments are having a positive effect. What else could make this day even MORE perfect?

After relaxing for a few moments, I decided to honor the requests of our feathered inhabitants sharing our homesite, and re-fill their feeders with seeds. In addition, I will fills the newest hanging tray feeders with peanuts to entice the bluejays and other “big-mouthed” birds.

WE are FONDLY in love with all the birds that make our property their home. Since we initially purchased our homestead, we have gradually increased the number of feeders to the present quantity: over 24…NOT counting the seasonal hummingbird feeders, nor the Oriole feeders. Bottom line: if the Good Lord were a bird, I would “Have it Made!”

Carolyn, of course, has photographically recorded the annual crowds of these visitors over the years. Her photos have graced several of the regional Art Galleries, as well as the walls of our regional hospital. Recently, her photos have been accepted into the annual competition at the National Wildlife Photo Contest.


After filling the feeders, I retreated to my deck chair and wineglass to enjoy the expected flocks who would soon be visiting me.


The birds, of course arrived as expected…but, also visiting unannounced were three of the furry, long-tailed rodents for which our area is noted…THE SQUIRRELS.

These three guys didn’t pause in the slightest, even after viewing my and Hobbes’ presence in their pathway. They didn’t care! They were claiming the new peanut feeders as their own!

First among these “guys” was a miniature red squirrel. At first, he looked upward at his objective. Then, knowing that the baffle and aluminum fluepipe which I had placed to discourage his and his brothers’ arrival, were in his way, he proceeded to ignore them and climb under the aluminum pipe, and arrive beneath the baffle. Then, he simply grabbed the baffle’s edge, and swung upwards on the tray feeder! He engorged himself completely!

Watching his initial progress, and obviously encouraging him onward, were his two compatriots. One of these guys had completely white ears! The other buddy was a VERY large, gray squirrel.

On the corners of the deck extension I had placed small extensions which measure upwards of approximately 10 inches; each extension is topped with a small solar light.

WELL…this is EXACTLY what they needed! Both guys jumped onto the two light extensions, and then FLEW upwards! Of course, they joined their red friend in the peanut trays.

By this time, Hobbes and I were truly upset and disturbed! These peanuts were for the birds, not these furry intruders! Despite our best efforts, they continued to return…and return…and, RETURN! They cleaned the trays completely, of course.

The next morning, as I opened the blinds facing the gardens and feeders, I was even MORE surprised!

The squirrels were back…but, not alone!

They were joined by four large turkeys: two females, one juvenile male, and one HUGE man-turkey, who was obviously “in charge.” But that’s not all! The squirrels were back in the trays, which I, foolishly perhaps, had re-filled late the previous evening before retiring. AND..these guys were actually THROWING peanuts to the turkey invaders!


Now, no matter how you view our Natural Habitat and its inhabitants, you would agree that this scenario is a TRUE example of the Circle of Life.

How could I admonish these beautiful visitors? How could I NOT continue to feed them and Love them as much as I do the birds?

WELL…you guessed it! They are all our welcome and invited guests. OR, is it we, Carolyn, Hobbes, and myself, who are the REAL guests in this venue?

Anyway, as the days have passed, I have named the three squirrely visitors:

The little red guy is named Roscoe.

His white-eared buddy carries the name, Whitey, of course.

And…the big guy? Well, he’s Sam.

Carolyn has photographed each of these three guys. Currently, Roscoe’s image is on display in our hospital’s Emergency Department. Each day, as I make my “rounds,” I am inevitably stopped and questioned about this image. As I relate the tale, I witness the stress and pain gradually vanish from the visage of the questioner.

I suppose that the REAL reason these guys were sent to me lies beyond the simple consuming of peanuts. They are a tremendous reminder of the Beauty and Quality of Life…and their message is, even more obvious. Wouldn’t you agree?