A few years ago, I was contracted by the Commonwealth of PA to serve as the Director for the Route 6 Artisan Trail, a trail which stretches from Linesville, all across the northern tier to Stroudsburg in the Poconos.

My “responsibility” was to rejuvenate and bring together the myriad of small communities through the support of their Artists. In other words, to redevelop the fallen economy of these regions through the Arts. NO SMALL TASK!

AS I traveled, I noted several factors common to all of these communities.

Like the small town in which I grew up, these towns and cities once had thriving businesses, tremendous civic pride, and generous populations. Now, however, each was plagued by empty lots where those businesses and community treasures once stood. The businesses had, for the most part, either closed, or moved-out. Employment possibilities for the younger generations disappeared along with the younger people themselves. Civic pride was still detectable when speaking with the “senior populations, “but that pride, without fail, centered upon the Past. The Future looked, at best, very, very bleak.

Harrisburg believed (as do I), that the Seeds of Future success for these communities could be found in the Creative Talents of each town’s group of Artisans. (In fact, this concept is not isolated. It forms the basis of several national studies published since the 1980’s.) After traveling the Route for several months and holding innumerable “Town Meetings” with each community’s Artists, I developed a PLAN!

The PLAN was, in part, to develop a “Traveling Exhibit” showcasing the creations of each town’s Artists. The Exhibit would begin in Conneaut Lake, and eventually journey to the Eastern PA border towns. As it wended its way, the Exhibit would “pick-up” works from each of the towns. MOREOVER, the Exhibit would be showcased in various venues chosen through open invitation to the citizens of each community.

These venues could be ANY shop, business, meeting hall so selected. In fact, the Exhibit was showcased in restaurants, Community Halls, churches, schools, and private locations all across our State!

When it concluded its journey, the Traveling Exhibit was comprised with the works of over 200 Artists and Artisans. It traveled for nearly two years, and concluded close to where it started, in Meadville. As it moved slowly, it generated thousands of dollars of revenue for each of the communities in which it was temporarily located…revenue for the sponsoring venues, revenue for the Artists, and revenue for the communities themselves, to use in community revitalization projects.

After nearly two years of travel, meetings, sharing, and enticing, the road became rather lonnng! In light of my “other” responsibilities, my wife, Carolyn, suggested, “Why not simply apply your concepts here, at home, in our surrounding regional communities?” WOW!!! BRILLIANT!!! So, that’s what I decided, and how ARTS FOR EVERYONE was born.

In the succeeding years, I, and the band of Artists who share the same Philosophy, have applied my concepts in over 12 separate areas, ranging from Erie, Corry, Meadville Conneaut Lake, all the way south to Carnegie, PA. In each of these communities, A4E (Arts for Everyone) has encouraged and fostered an increased attention to the history and possibilities of each venue, as well as provided the basis for economic development.

WE have developed a Creative Experience class for inclusion in the Adult Literacy Program of Crawford County, taught and demonstrated in several regional schools, assisted innumerable beginning Artists, fostered untold interest in various therapy programs, and I serve as the Art Director and Resident Artist for one of our region’s largest hospitals. All this while playing a role in the re-awakening of each community’s historical value, and possibilities for the Future.

The road has NOT always been easy or simple. It is VERY difficult for folks to turn a positive eye to the Future while still relying completely upon Past success…especially when those Future possibilities are presented by some “outsider!”

The TRUE lesson can be learned, however, in the current development of my childhood home, Millvale, PA.

The decline of Millvale began nearly 40 years ago. The Mom & Pop stores disappeared, businesses closed shop, storefronts became empty, then abandoned. The homes that housed the families of my youth became dilapidated, boarded-up, then demolished. The “big” business concerns (the factories and concrete block builders) were torn-down, and their former sites became, at best, community vandal areas. Churches closed their doors…folks moved-away, the cemetery plots (once so carefully groomed) became overgrown and forgotten.

Then, gradually, across several years, some brave individuals form the “outside” recognized the precious Nature of the surviving community…recognized its important part in our Common Heritage, and slowly, very slowly, started to build the Future upon the foundation of the Past. As expected, it was NOT easy for these new folks; they were, not always accepted, at first. But, as their sincerity and beliefs became realized, they have been tenaciously accepted. AND...Millvale is now breathing a new Life, one of Hope and Possibility.

Not surprisingly, one of the centers of this redevelopment is the new MILLVALE STUDIOS, located in the former Jerry Kitman Furniture building. The studio serves as the cultural magnet for the locale, bringing together Artists, restaurant owners, church leaders, and citizens of every age group. Millvale is thriving. New folks are moving-in to renovate the abandoned homes and shops. AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY: the younger generations of Millvale Families are choosing to remain in their former generation’s home.

The implications for our own community, no matter where it exists, are VERY clear.

As we journey along all across our Region, we notice several similarities. Inevitably, the economic and developmental success of the Past is now just THAT: the PAST. Unfortunately, many, many of our communities have fallen victim to despair.

What were once thriving, businesses, are now, all too frequently, merely empty storefronts…abandoned and somewhat forgotten. Populations also have suffered…diminishing in numbers to the point of near oblivion.

In my own travels all across our Great Nation, I have witnessed this scenario too many times. The scene is not limited to one Region, state, or area, but is a commonly shared fate.

BUT…hope DOES exist. The Future success of each community is based upon a commonality of desire and purpose.

The People of a community share this Purpose and Desire…all that is necessary is to RECOGNIZE and pursue. The effort involved is NEVER easy, and, sometimes the willingness to move forward is terribly difficult, not unlike the mythical Sisyphus attempting to roll a boulder up the side of that seemingly insurmountable mountain. Success, however, CAN be attained.

That community success is observable within several areas of our own Region.

New businesses are opening in those abandoned storefronts. The “melody” of positivism is wending its way throughout the streets and byways of our small towns. Lights are once again beginning to shine brightly…and, will NOT be dimmed again. Excitement is pervasive...very, very positively “infectious.”

SO…as the seasons begin their eternal transition into Spring, may the encouragement continue to manifest itself all along the paths and byways upon which we tread.

Happy MARCH, everyone…the Journey moves forward.