As I am certain that most folks who know me or read my articles realize, I am extremely committed to all of the efforts and sacrifices made on behalf of our Nation by every one of our current and Veteran members of all of our Armed Forces.

However, what most do not know is that I am also equally committed to the efforts of all the incredible men and women who serve as members of our local and regional fire departments. Without fail, whether they are volunteers or paid for their services, each of them goes far beyond what would be “normally” expected.

Of course, everyone is totally aware of the efforts of numerous first responder firefighters during the disastrous 9/11 events in New York years ago. Despite the possibility (and the eventual reality) of risking their lives to the life-threatening situations presented by that horrendous disaster, NOT ONE of those brave souls shrunk from their commitments. As a result, several lives were saved. WE, as a Nation, should ALWAYS remember what they accomplished.

This courage and commitment filters down all the way to our local Fire Departments…and we, as citizens of our communities, should always be most grateful for these men and women and what they do. We here in the Espyville Community are especially blessed with a group of individuals who serve as volunteers for our North Shenango Volunteer Fire Department.

Although many of us realize how very fortunate we are as citizens to have such an organization protecting us and our homes and families, many others do not share this realization.

What is it that inspires these brave men and women to commit to such an organization? Obviously, the impetus is NOT financial gain! Nor is it simply socialization. So then…what?

And, what prompts these individuals to commit to so numerous events not immediately connected with the normally expected commitments of a fire department?


Every year, for as long as I can remember, the NSVFD has held an incredible event to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This year’s event, as usual, featured a wonderful chicken BBQ held at the local station house located on PA Rt 285. All proceeds from the event went to MDA…as always.

Then, on October 31, the department participated in Halloween fun at the big 17 House…delighted children and families from throughout the region.

In addition, the department sponsors periodic movie events open to the public. These productions are held throughout the year at the Linn Road location. The most recent of these events took place the day before Thanksgiving, and included crafting with the North Shenango VFD and Forestview restaurant on Linn Rd at the township building.

They also welcome everyone to their Saturday Night Bingo. The Bingo is located at 11658 Linn Rd. in Espyville. The doors open at 5 pm and games start at 6:45. Bring a friend and enjoy the evening.

Most recently, the department hosted Keith Shilling for his Stop the Bleed training held at 17 House. Members learned the history behind this campaign and the life-saving difference this training can make. Also participating in this training were the sons of Chief Thomas and Deputy Chief White, and, the “star pupil” was Madison Thomas!

SO…the members of the NSVFD accomplish MUCH more than one would expect. In addition to fire-fighting and life-saving services, they also serve as a prominent force in unifying our local community, as well as providing a resource to bring together other communities throughout our Region.

Without their services, we would be at a total loss for protection for ourselves and our homes.

As I have mentioned in one of my previous articles, I can speak personally for the first responders from the NSVFD having saved my Life on July 2, of this year. Had they not been prompt, efficient, and exact in assessing my physical problem that day, I would NOT be here now.

In months and years past, I have attended several of the department’s monthly meetings, and have always been MORE than impressed with their graciousness and professionalism.

As listed on the department’s website, the history of the NSVFD is described (in part) as follows…

“Although the North Shenango Fire Department is fairly young in age, it is still very rich in history. It all began thirty years ago with a group of idealistic and emotionally charged individuals who decided they wanted to make a difference in their small community.

The fire department started small. The meager storeroom only had enough capacity for a meeting of people. When North Shenango bought their first truck, which was purchased for only $1,500 from Transfer, they still did not have a place to store any equipment or vehicles. Graciously, Jim Lennon offered part of his garage for temporary use. So they worked out of these two locations until they were able to form a building committee and raise enough funds to make their dreams a reality. The township was lucky enough to have the donation of land from Arch Barabus on March 21, 1975. This land was given on a 99 year lease to be used to establish a fire department. When the building had been completed, the total cost was $88,900. The Open House for the public occurred on April 11, 1976.

At this point and time, only two trucks had been in service for the department.

Although times have changed, history also repeats itself. Like the initial forefathers of the department, the current firemen were faced with plans for a new fire station building. The NSFD is proud to announce that as of January 22, 2004, the new station "17 House" is now in operation. The previous station will continue to be in service but now solely as a social hall. The new station was created to provide a more central location and as an expansion for training and equipment. The North Shenango Fire Department looks forward to the next upcoming years as they continue to support their community and surrounding mutual aid companies.”

In addition to serving all of the North Shenango community, the NSVFD also responds to calls from neighboring communities throughout the Region.


After being "out of it" for the past several months, I finally pushed myself to begin creating a new Artwork. Finally decided it was high time to practice hat I preach once again.

This piece will honor the members of all our American Fire Departments…in particular, the members of the NSVFD. I have finished the initial sketch. Soon, I will begin to complete the final piece. Hopefully, it will be finished by Christmas.

We ALL owe such MUCH to all these brave men and women. They deserve GREAT HONOR...and much, much more!