
David Schaef update: (12/05/23)

I spoke with David yesterday. He had just arrived at the Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital in Erie.

There are still a couple of issues to resolve, and David is optimistic that Encompass has the skills. We didn't speak much of medicine and health, most of the conversation was about our subscribers and the Community News newspaper.

I was much encouraged by the tone of his voice and the idea he was interested in talking about Community News. So, he’s at that, “I want to get back to work” stage of healing.

He talked about his subscribers and a letter he is composing for them. He talked about how to proceed with the newspaper when he gets home.

He said he hopes to be home in 2 weeks.

Thank You all for your Love and Prayers and Well Wishes.
Tom Deighton

Schools receiving state budget money for now
Written by David Shaef

Despite the state not having a full budget plan in place for over 90 days, schools, including Conneaut School District, are receiving state payments for now Conneaut School Board members were advised when they met in October work session last week.

While a budget was approved by the state Senate and House for the year that began July 1, no revenue plan was passed with the state facing over a $1-billion shortfall.

The governor let the budget go into law without his signature.

In other matters before the school directors at the work session, a request was made to increase, by $5.00 a position, the pay game workers receive. The last increase happened in 1999 and the proposed increase was factored into the athletic budget for this year. Total increase projected over last year’s rate is $1,130.


Adamsville Post Office construction begins

West Fallowfield Township Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on October 5, 2017. Supervisors Marguerite Scullin, Cecil Courtney, and Jim Saulsbery, secretary/treasurer Brenda Williams, code enforcement officer Don Ott, township tax collector Barb Cowden, and one resident attended.

Scullin called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisors approved the minutes of the September 7, 2017, regular monthly meeting and current expenditures.

There were no public comments.

In correspondence, Richard A. Szudzik of the United States Postal Service (USPS) mailed the township a letter outlining the Adamsville Post Office construction plans. The new Adamsville Post Office will be across the street from the former location. It will be built on a grassy knoll behind the parking lot that was formerly used by Uncle Meatballs and Adamsville Post Office patrons.

A construction crew was on-site at the new location on October 5. They were putting in forms for concrete pads. The building will be a modular measuring 11 feet, six inches, by 40 feet. The - See Post page 17


A Dollar General coming to Harmonsburg?
Written by Roseanne Staab

Summit Township held the October public meeting with Supervisors Bill Agnew, Lud Zarembinski, and Gerauld Smith in attendance. Secretary Cindy McCoy took the minutes and there were 4 citizens present. All stood to salute the American flag.

Attorney William Walker spoke of an Upset Sale Auction, and the old Village Inn bar being on the auction list. The former bar is located in downtown Harmonsburg.

A hearing will be held in December, and Walker mentioned a rumor that the Dollar General Stores were looking into the purchase of this property to erect a new Dollar General Store.

He mentioned some problems with the property where the former bar is located, and added that the Dollar General Stores were also looking at property owned by Conneaut Lake Park.

Walker announced that this was all conjecture, but that the corner parking lot at Reed Avenue and Rt. 618 may be slated for the construction of a new Dollar General Store.

A man in the audience expressed his surprise at this news, so Walker again stated that everything is rumors and speculation at this point, and that nothing has been bought, sold, or recorded in at the Crawford County Court House.

Trick Treat night

Secretary McCoy made some announcements, the first being that the Summit November public meeting will be held on Monday, the 6, at 7 pm, due to election day.

The second was that Summit Halloween Trick or Treat night will be held on Thursday, October 26, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.

Gordon Road blight

For the Code Report, Code Officer Don Ott reviewed some blight issues on Gordon Road. Two farm houses are falling down and are in disrepair.

A man was at the September public meeting to complain about the ongoing state of blight of the two houses, and he wants something done to clean them up.

CO Ott is still investigating this issue.

Mold in rental

Ott went on to talk about a landlord-tenant issue regarding mold within the rental house. This issue was resolved amicably.

Duplex matter

Solicitor William Walker gave his report, beginning with a Conditional Use application for a duplex that is for sale.

The Conditional Use will be approved for the new owners, who will be residing on the second floor of the home.

The property will revert back to a single family dwelling in the future, should it ever be sold again.

Fees in question?

Walker - See Fees page 7

Read more in this weeks issue.

For additional details about these stories , as well as the headlines noted below, please purchase a Monday, Oct. 9, newspaper at area locations or a digital download of the paper.