Bubbles O’ Comfort

This is the opinion of the columnist and not of any other person associated with the newsroom.

Note from Lisa: Before I begin this LONG piece, I am going to be straight with you, as always. I’m becoming exhausted from this whole thing going on around us. I’m losing hope in humanity and quickly. I will do my best to press on with this because if even ONE person starts to question the narrative, I will have served my purpose on this earth. I really wish I could get back to some fun and uplifting columns but to me, this is the most important topic of our times and I would hate myself if I did not at least try to provide the reader with some accurate information.

By Lisa Houserman

I came to the realization the other day that I live in a bubble. What I mean by that is I tend to simply take for granted that most everyone questions authority or has raised that infamous eyebrow over what is happening around us. I assume, and you know that’s no good, that people gave up trusting the media for lent, years ago.

I cannot wrap my head around the fact that anyone would believe a single word coming from people who, for one example, still push the ridiculous and UNSCIENTIFIC nonsense of how a couple of airplanes caused SEVEN buildings to mainly turn to dust in mid-air. I am shocked beyond recognition that the programmed talking heads have such a hold over society, since they have been outed as LIARS over and over again.

(“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false,” said former CIA director William Casey. Some dispute this quote but it has been proven to be true. Casey was the director from 1981 – 1987 and died shortly after his retirement. While I have you in these parenthesis, I want you to hold the corporate media to the same standards that you hold those of us who try to impart actual truthful information. I want you to DEMAND evidence from them. I want you to throw them out if they say ONE thing wrong!! OK I’m done digressing. Actually I’m not done. I encourage you to check out “Operation Mockingbird.” Even the hideous CIA admits to this one. Digression officially over.)

I am astounded that people are believing this hype about an alleged virus. I am taken aback when someone tells me that there have been a gazillion deaths and it’s a very dangerous situation. I become almost tongue-tied, if you can fathom that thought, because of my particular bubble-full-O-deep-thinking analyzers of information! I surround myself with critical thinkers and those who do not accept official stories without first vetting them. They do this via following the money and utilizing other methods to arrive at their conclusions.

I’m moving back to the bubble scenario at this time so go ahead and exhale. I think most of us gravitate toward one bubble or another, and some, if they can stand the ridicule, pop bubbles and move along to different ones as their awakening evolves. For instance, if a person is presented with evidence of Such and Such, he/she might decide to check out a different bubble for a bit in order to be near like minded thinkers. This course can continue for a lifetime or people might remain stuck in their particular regions of “bubblehood.”

Bubble jumping can be a double-edged-sword (I know, I know, swords DO pop large round floating objects made of soap), as it’s comforting to be around others who validate our world views. On the other hand, it isolates us from interacting with those of a differing bubble location, so to speak. Our reasoning and debating skills can suffer (due to our own soapy environments), closing us off to the above-mentioned scenarios.

We all get cozy in our large floating fortresses and find it difficult to take the risk of “exploding” that bubbly barrier. Becoming separated from the herd is an isolating feeling and can be dangerous as well. I mean just look at some of the horrible things being said and done to those who cannot or will not, for one legitimate reason or anther, deprive themselves of oxygen, via a piece of cloth smashed across their faces! One guy was shot due to his non compliance. This is sheer MADNESS at all levels, ladies and gents.

Over the years I have done some bubble leaping. Anyone who has read this blather from the get-go, which would have been September of 2006, has certainly noticed a change in me over time.

If not, you shall have to take my word for this.

I have been WRONG on occasions too numerous to mention. It has always been my goal to speak my mind and to provide information at the same time, to the best of my ability. Said information has generally differed from the “mainstream.”

Here is one example of how I was mistaken: Back in those days I wasn’t that familiar with the fact that there is a political establishment, for one example. I thought that surely a person could change the course of this country and maybe even of the world, if he or she were just elected into a position of power. Now I realize that there are no elections, only selections. (I can sense you reaching for those pearls.)

As time has marched forward, not only did I become aware of the political establishment but have also been awakened to the reality of a scientific, media, religious and medical establishment, just to name some.

We can all bring to mind the words spoken by President Eisenhower during his farewell address when it comes to the “Military Industrial Complex.” However, not many people remember that he also spoke of being hijacked by the “scientific elite,” of sorts. I shall provide that portion toward the end of this piece.

In between the various bubbles in which I’ve landed over the years, I have taken note of a few things. One of them is just how much our society has been groomed, from day one, to accept certain “facts” without question. I cannot speak for other “CULT ures,” as I’ve only lived in this country.

We worship “authority figures” and look for a leader in most everything. We elevate men and women in white laboratory coats to God-Like status. (Speaking of white lab coats, rumor has it that the idea came from Madison Ave in NYC. They thought that “medical professionals” would look more authoritative if they donned these garments.)

For some reason that I cannot fathom, due to my most recent bubble, we are more or less stuck in this germ theory of medicine from well over 100 years ago. We have had it drilled into our heads that we will “catch” something from another person. Germs are BAD and viruses—well, they are downright EVIL. (Germ used to mean the bud of new life and what they are calling a virus could be the body’s way of removing toxins. See Dr. Stefan Lanka for more on this. If a fireman is on the scene of a burning building, does that mean he started the fire or is he/she there to assist in putting it out? Get it? What they have called a virus is oft’ on the scene of an individual with certain symptoms. What does that really mean?)

I thought science was supposed to “correct itself” or move forward and be helpful to future generations—you know, admit their failures and press on with new data.

Guess what? There are other reasons for why some groups of people become ill at the same time! I know this is shocking and lurid, but I assure you, it’s quite true. This medical model has benefited a certain segment of the scientific elite for well over a hundred years. I will ask again why we are following something so ancient as this? Why are the alternatives covered up? Why is anyone who doubts this theory considered to be “anti science” or a “germ theory denier” or some other unattractive label?

We are never permitted to discuss medical errors as being a leading cause of death. Could some of those who have died from this alleged virus be the victims of that? Why do we attribute ONE cause to many symptoms? Why is the CDC always so hellbent on finding a virus as the cause for most everything?

Did you know that right before the HIV deal came along, they were desperately trying to prove that a virus causes cancer? They had almost run out of funding when miraculously this other “thang” came marching in! (I’ve learned much of this via a book called “Virus Mania” that I’ve noted in my ending parenthesis as of late. You may download this for free on the internet. It was written in 07 but reads as though it came out within the past six months as nothing really changes when it comes to this scam. I have also garnered much information from Dr. Andrew Kaufman who left the medical establishment and has been exposing some of the fraud within.)

Before you clutch your pearls, please tell me how many times any person who is in a medical PRACTICE has mentioned a cure for what ails you or has tried to get to the root of any health problem. (Again, I must emphasize that I am NOT BY ANY MEANS saying that doctors are horrid creatures out to murder us. They are going by what they learned at university, incidentally one that was funded by the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, known hence forth as PIC. Ask any doc in your life about their training including, but not limited to the fact that they were sleep deprived during certain phases.)

Look into the concerted effort put forth by the AMA “back in the day,” (rhyme) in terms of putting a STOP to any natural cures being put forth. I don’t recommend your doing this via a “Google”or Wikipedia search either because they are both “YUGE” corporations who are indeed, “in on it.”

In terms of this recent “THANG,” which is my nickname for the alleged virus, I want to ask you what it means when “they” go on and on about “cases” on the rise. I want you to ask exactly for what they are testing? It cannot possibly be for the THANG, as it has not been isolated, purified or tested on a control group. It has not met the gold standards put out by those who accept and promote germ theory! In other words, the criteria for ascertaining whether or not something is contagious, has not been fulfilled by their OWN standards.

I would like you to ask why it says on boxes of masks that they are not effective in preventing the spread of viruses. Keep in mind that what they have identified as an agent that allegedly makes one ill, is so minuscule that wearing a cloth over one’s face to prevent the spread has been likened to preventing a mosquito from soaring through a chain-link fence. If the masks are not being pushed for preventative measures, then what exactly is going on here?

I find myself in a precarious situation as I believe I could be one of the few columnists/journalists in our neck of the woods, perhaps even in the county, to ask these and other questions. Should we not follow the lead of Thomas Jefferson and “question with boldness,” or is that out the door?

I’m going to make an effort to visit those in other bubbles in order to garner some understanding of just how they are feeling. I do believe I understand that most have a child-like trust of government talking points and media bobble heads. I get angry about this but have to accept that some people truly do think that the government is looking out for them.

I really am wondering if some goofball who is allegedly looking out for us, told the masses to chop off their large toe in order to prevent the spread of something that doesn’t really even exist, how many would blindly follow. I fear I’d see a population of fellow citizens limping through life.

Also, if this “THANG” is so deadly, so airborne, so ready to dive into us after suspending in midair for five minutes, why do we need to use a test that scrapes the back of our brain stems? Evidently singing can “spread the virus” so shouldn’t we simply sing the scale into a test? Why all the tests anyway? If there is a killer virus on the loose, why would we need to be tested? We would all be keeling over dead. Don’t trust me and please, by all means, continue to refuse logic. Keep believing the PROVEN liars in the media and scientific establishments.

As promised, here is a portion of the farewell address pertaining to the scientific jazz:

“Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present -- and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” (Note the LAST three words.)

The End (“Where did the Towers Go,” By Dr. Judy Wood, cvpandemicinvestigation.com, nomorefakenews.com – Jon Rappoport is an independent journalist who has outed the criminal cartels known as the WHO and the CDC for DECADES but don’t believe him, keep on being transfixed by the TV and keep on looking for those weapons of mass destruction while you are at it.)