Let's focus on issues and not identities

I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not but I have a video series on YouTube which I call “Lounging with Lisa.” The series itself is just “filed” under my name so if you search for it, you shall find it. Seek and ye shall find, as the saying goes. (It's family friendly, by the by. I swore in my very first video and Mother gave me a total lecture so those days are over.)

Clearly I was being a bit of a smarty pants in terms of not knowing if you are aware of said series because I mention it weekly at this point. I just thought I'd explain that sentence for those who are slow to understand sarcastic overtones or undercurrents.

Moving along, the purpose of my bringing this up is pertinent to this particular piece so please play along. (I was attempting to utilize words starting with P in that last sentence and I hope you noticed.)

The goal or my “agenda” in starting the video series was or is to bring people together of all sorts of backgrounds in order to realize that we are all really just human beings and don't need to “identify” as anything else.

Allow me to unpack that statement if you would—like you have a choice in the matter. At the end of all videos I say to drop political identities, focus on issues, leave labels at the door, research before you judge and war is a racket. (The very last part is said as I whip the book of the same name into the frame of the camera, or in my case the phone, in a dramatic manner. It's not really that drama laden but it sounded good. Plus this might be a digression and in these fancy brackets to boot.)

Since this column has been around longer than my goofy videos, I just thought I should try to spread that kind of message here as well. What I'd like to see happen on a mass scale is for individuals to STOP with this clinging to a political identity for crying in a bucket. It has gotten to the point that a certain segment of society automatically believes the worst of another segment of society and all because they have different letters after their names.

This whole “left, right, liberal, conservative, libtard, Rethuglican, DemoRats,” stuff must cease and pronto, if not sooner. I've watched in horror as anything said by a member of the “opposite side” was greeted with hideous labeling of the “other” by utilizing one of those words within the quotation marks above. (As soon as I hear someone going on about the evils of “the left” or “Republicans” I shut them off. They are stuck in the FAKE left right political paradigm and it's there to keep people on teams. I will NOT partake in such shenanigans any longer.)

Don't people realize at this point that this whole deal of the “sides” or two choices (and ONLY two) is designed to keep us divided and fighting? The 1% or Hidden Hand or Corporate Overlords or whatever one wants to call these creatures, simply sit back and cackle as we the people call each other names and blame “the other side” for all the problems of the world! That is how I see it anyway and I'm willing to admit that I could be wrong but I'm not. How was that?

This whole thing has resulted in not being allowed to have a different view of things than what the mainstream says. It has also resulted in people being willing to accept the most ridiculous information as absolute truth because it happens to be in line with their particular way of thinking. This is especially true for anything said against Trump. People are willing to believe ANYTHING about this man if it's derogatory. I saw the same with Obama from “the other side” too but not quite this horrid, I have to be honest here.

Do you remember that old saying, “Don't shoot the messenger?” Well I see a lot of that unfolding as of late and of course not literally. Even using that saying in this day and age could get me into trouble but I mean this in the way in which it was originally intended and nothing more.

Being polarized seems to be the order of the year and it's upsetting to the max. For example, I've been in conversations with people who identify as being conservative and they simply will NOT hear or see any actual research presented in detail by someone who they see as a liberal. I've seen this the other way round as well, of course.

When we are so “marinated” in our own ideology, anything that is a bit “left” or “right” seems far out, for lack of a better description. For instance those who might be glued to Faux News (Fox) see anything that is center as over-the-cliff left! I speak from experience because I was a corporate media bot for years and especially Faux. I know it's shocking and lurid but it's true. I can always tell when someone is overly attached to a news outlet because they become personally offended if I take it to task. I've had people clutch pearls and become enraged when I've pointed that ALL corporate media is filled with liars. Fights have broken out over this, believe it or not. (Not fist fights or anything of the sort but you know of what I speak, I think.)

I believe we have been pretty much groomed to be hero worshipers or to look up to people on TV. I mean think about this for a minute: A REALITY TV star is the president of the United States. I think I can rest my case with that and I shall.

In closing—again I ask you to stop that strong exhaling as cats galore have become airborne—since I started the series I've gathered people who in other circumstances would never even talk to each other. The point, and there is one in here somewhere I promise, is that when we drop these identities and focus on ISSUES facing us all, we then realize that most all of us want the same things.

I've ascertained that people want war criminals punished no matter what letter is after their name. I've also found that most want some sort of equal footing where the big corporations and the 1% are not the only ones getting tax breaks. Another discovery I've made is no one wants these endless wars to continue.

People want to put our country first. We don't need to march about the planet and intrude in this, that or the other “conflict.” How about we try to put ourselves in the shoes of those on the receiving end of eternal warfare? (This is usually on behalf of other countries as well. Check the Greater Israel Project and also Project for a New American Century, PNAC. This is an open secret ladies and gents.)

Can you imagine not being sure if a drone was going to ruin your wedding party? Can you fathom the thought of being horrified to go to bed at night for fear of your home being raided by a bunch of foreign military members? This is the biggest problem when it comes to these endless wars which DO cost money by the way. (We NEVER hear the question asked, “How ya gonna pay for it?” when it comes to the military spending but don't you DARE suggest helping poor families because we simply cannot afford it.) Many of us think nothing of murdering individuals under the guise of “spreading democracy” or whatever the catchphrase of the day might be. If that is spreading democracy, count me out please. (Not to mention we don't have a democracy here. We live in an oligarchy.)

I hope you consider these words and begin to focus on being a human being or an Earthling. We are all in the same boat whether we like it or not, and I'm thinking at this moment you might not be in favor of such. Please turn off your TV, drop your affiliation and love affair you currently have with Party X, talk about actual issues, consider the possibility of PEACE breaking out all over and have a delightful remainder of the day/night/afternoon. With that, I'm off.

THE END (Interstate Crosscheck, AIPAC, “War is a Racket” by Major General Smedley Butler, Geoengineering)